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Asymmetric Chlorofunctionalization of Activated carbon-carbon Double bonds (ACAD)
Date du début: 1 avr. 2012, Date de fin: 15 oct. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"In collaboration with Prof. S. E. Denmark and Prof. E. M. Carreira the researcher will work with two of the world’s leaders in organic chemistry in the complementary areas of methodology development and natural product synthesis, respectively.In the outgoing phase a novel, asymmetric, Lewis base activated, Lewis acid catalysed reaction will be developed to allow for the asymmetric chlorofuntionalization of activated carbon-carbon double bonds. This objective will be achieved through the thorough screening of reaction profile with respect to Lewis acid, Lewis base, electrophile and trapping agent and through the analysis of reaction kinetics using techniques such as ReactIR and rapid-injection NMR spectroscopy. The Denmark group’s experience in this area, built up over the last 15 years, will allow for efficient iteration and optimisation of the protocol.In the return phase application of the developed methodology towards the synthesis of the chlorosulfolipid family of natural products is planned, along with the transferring of the obtained knowledge/skills to European researchers. Specifically, this will be achieved through the mentoring of junior students.The proposed research and research plan is specifically designed to test and develop the researchers leadership qualities and ability for independent study as well as to provide experience and knowledge in an area of increasing importance. The ultimate ambition of the researcher is to obtain and sustain a successful, independent academic position in a European institution. With this in mind the proposed research represents an excellent career development opportunity.This proposal will initially raise the profile of European research and, through the training of the next generation of European researchers during the return phase, increase the competitiveness of European science."

