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5 projets européens trouvés

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Social me - let`s be online

Date du début: 8 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 8 juin 2015,

The project: “Social me – lets be online” is a Training Course designed for experienced youth leaders from European countries interested in introducing media as a tool in their organizations and in their work with young people. It encourages cooperation, exchange of experience, skills and good practices between people working with youth and youth organizations. It will last 9 days and will take pl ...
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Structured Dialogue on the Move

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

The study visit will focus on the analysis of the Structured Dialogue process to date and good practices implemented in each EU Member State. Decisions arising from the process of Structured Dialogue directly affect young people and the study visit aims to exchange knowledge, experience and further cooperation between persons directly involved to the process. As part of the study visit a meeting w ...
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“The young entrepreneurs of today – active European citizens of tomorrow”

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014,

... Spain and Greece, three trainers and facilitators from Belgium, Serbia and Bulgaria and one person support staff from "Europe on the move"). The main goal of the project is: promotion of the Erasmus+ Programme and its significance to young European citizens by exchange of good practices among the partner organizations (POs) and improvement of the partnership and initiation of future successful ...
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This Youth Exchange will be placed in Tirana, Albania from 5 to 13 April 2014. The organizations which will be part are from : Albania, Macedonia,Bosnia and Herzegovina , Kosovo, Serbia , Greece, Spain , Denmark Finland, Romania, Turkey. JEF Albania will be the host organization. There will be 44 young people and 11 group leaders(55 participants )The main theme of our project is the promotion ...
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...raine). The 12 associate partners of the project include 6 universities from the targeted countries, the Ministries of Education in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova, AUF and 2 student associations: Erasmus Student Network Romania and Georgia. The duration of the project is of 48 months and the total number of scholarships is 194 (degree-seeking for Lot 5 Master students and non-degree seeking for a ...
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