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3 projets européens trouvés

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Leadership in youth work for inclusion, intercultural dialogue and acceptance

Date du début: 15 mai 2015, Date de fin: 14 janv. 2016,

During our youth work and cooperation as partners, we have noticed lack of qualified and willing youth leaders for better inclusion and intercultural acceptance in our multiethnic communities. Project targets youth workers willing to take the lead of promoting and leading quality inclusion and intercultural dialogue in our projects and communities and willing to improve intercultural learning/dial ...
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Viking Voyagers

Date du début: 1 nov. 2008,

Viking Voyagers is a multilateral youth exchange for 25 youth between the ages of 14-17. This seven day youth exchange targets socially excluded youth with fewer opportunities from Sweden, Slovenia, Kosovo, Serbia and Czech Republic. It will take place from 25th of April 2009 2nd of May 2009 in southern Sweden, in the beautiful towns and forests of Småland and Skåne. Over the course of Viking Voy ...
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Green Games Kosovo

Date du début: 1 août 2012,

...orkers, faciliators, trainers and volunteers of environmental organisations in Europe who can act as multipliers and use this knowledge with their local groups. The training course will be hosted by Environmentally Responsible Action (ERA) group, a leading environmental organization located in Kosovo; and is included with calendar of events of International Young NatureFriends (IYNF). The activit ...
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