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6 projets européens trouvés

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Development of rescue operations in the Gulf of Finland

Date du début: 21 mars 2011, Date de fin: 20 mars 2014,

The main objective of the project is to enhance Finnish-Russian cooperation regarding risk management to improve maritime safety and reduce transboundary environmental risks through research, development and training. The project aims at strengthening the competitiveness and sustainable economic development of the maritime transport system around the Gulf of Finland. The aim is to develop knowledg ...
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...Sea identity. project develops and introduces innovative communication tools to foster information sharing and discussion about the Baltic Sea environment. The project aims to raise environmental awareness and involvement of the general public, to improve the dialogue between research and the public and to promote networking of educational institutes. The pr ...
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BACKGROUND and addressed PROBLEM: Climate change, with its manifold aspects, is one of the biggest global challenges we face currently and in the future. Guidelines for the general direction of action developed on the international or national level are a first step but do not equal implementation. Concrete action in dealing with climate change issues is required on the local and regional level, f ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2012,

GreenHero project will foster cooperation between the EU education system through its innovative online environmental course and share best practice across partner countries in the UK, Spain, Germany, Romania and Italy. The project supports development of innovative ICT based content and pedagogies for lifelong learning; encourages cooperation among participating schools; promotes intercultural d ...
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The proposal is entitled DFE skills for suppliers and aims at developing a training tool kit for employees of SMEs in technological sectors who need to comply with emrging environmental legislation. DFE – design for environment – shall bridge the gap between product development and environmental management. The target groups are design, operative and management personnal in sub-supply organisation ...
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...roups of workers and public servants. The NATURNET PLUS educational system was designed and implemented by CCSS with focus on multimedia and interactive tools for eLearning, particularly on tools for Environmental Impact Assessment. The NATURNET PLUS educational approach shared existing results and knowledge and transferred an educational system for new users and conditions. The Web 2.0 based solu ...
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