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2 projets européens trouvés

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Towards resource efficient urban communities in SEE  (RE-SEEties)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

Resource efficiency is a top priority in the SEE policy-making agenda, especially in light of excessive consumption of energy due to users / inhabitants established behaviour, often uncontrolled waste production as well as lack of efficient coordination measures and awareness regarding how to use resources in a more conscious manner. The need to consider in resource management major externalities ...
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The massive increase in renewable energy production is a declared, unique objective of European policy to reduce CO2 emissions significantly. Among the renewable energies bioenergy already constitutes the highest share in many European countries. The bioenergy sector is thus also increasingly important for the creation of new jobs. Nevertheless, there are significant differences in the bioenergy s ...
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