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3 projets européens trouvés

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 TERMINÉ, therefore in the communities covered by their actions. This project takes place in the Fogo Island, Cape Verde in the host organization, OAF – Organização das Associações da Ilha do Fogo. Estimulo, from Portugal will send 4 EVS volunteers to its partner organization to develop a project within the themes of “Cooperation for Development” and “Social and Cultural Animation” for 6 months. The v ...
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Jovens de Cloçon Aberto

Date du début: 1 déc. 2011,

...ties covered by their actions. This project is divided into two activities: First activity: take place in the Island of São Tomé in the host organization, Fundação Aurélio Martins (FAMA). Estimulo, from Portugal will send three EVS volunteers to its partner organization to develop a project within the theme of “Social and Cultural Animation” for four months. The volunteers will be involved in a ...
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Jovens para o Djunta Mon

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

...heir actions. This project is divided into two activities:First activity: take place in the Island of Santiago, Cape Verde in the host organization. AGRIDES -Associação de Crianças Desfavorecidas. Estimulo, from Portugal will send four EVS volunteers to its partner organization to develop a project within the themes of Social Intervention for four months. The volunteers will be involved in animati ...
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