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5 projets européens trouvés

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The project SKILL JOB MATCH PLUS is a ERASMUS + KA1 mobility project that comprise VET learners mobility and also VET STAFF mobility. The mobility of VET learners is aimed at recent graduates from VET schools aged between 18 and 28 years old (the participants will undertake their training placement abroad within one year of their graduation) and they will realize a VET training abroad in the follo ...
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...h previous LLP Leonardo Mobility, Network and ESF for students' mobility and the development of a regional structure that could facilitate the coordination and the involvement of vocational training centers of regional territory in learning mobility. OBJECTIVES To foster social inclusion and employability of young people attending vocational training courses, encouraging at the same time the pers ...
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...For this scope it will develop a didactical project for the designing and manufacturing of an innovative prototype of small hybrid vehicle. The didactical approach developed by the project, represented by a practical method and a great use of ITC and e-learning modules, will contribute to improve quality on instruction and VET. In particular Secondary High School and University will benefit of con ...
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The project sets out to improve the quality of mentoring programmes in Europe that are intended to benefit older employees (age over-45) at risk of dropping out of their current employment. Target groups include job centres consultants, over-45 employees, trainers, learning facilitators and SMEs consultants. Project partners will investigate best practice teaching tools and also benchmarking metho ...
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Within the context of the current economic crisis and the consequent rise in unemployment, the recognition of skills and competences is an important tool for improving and career growth. Recognizing the learning processes by experiences gained in the workplace leads to an added value for both the employer and the employee.Taking into account the background gained on these areas through the past ex ...
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