Rechercher des projets européens

8 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

The consortium is led by the "Maison de l’Europe des Yvelines" (MdEY) and helped by two other members: "l'Association Nationale des Missions locales" (l'ANDML), "l'Association des Directeurs de Missions Locales du 78" (l'ADML78) who pool their knowledge and their experience of mobility management, serving youths in vocational training, to develop their staff and their structure to another dimensio ...
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Erasmus+ pour une insertion professionnelle facilitée

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Our project joins within the framework of the professional training, to improve the vocational training of our pupils of 3 sections of vocational high school diploma to allow them a better occupational integration or a favored pursuit of studies. The English language is the vector of communication in European companies and used today in practically all the professional sectors and particularly in ...
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... a comprehensive consultation process in 7 EU countries. The network will help policy makers, stakeholders and professionals in the field of education to improve their work with pupils with SEN, to enable collaborative working during critical phases of transition.
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 TERMINÉ common standardised scheme. The two-year project UEmploy (7 partners from BG, HU, FI, IE and RO) addresses the gap.The focus is modern rehabilitation, a range of services and processes designed to enable all disabled people to live their lives as fully as possible. For organizations, SMEs and professionals the project provides an opportunity to introduce/train innovative employment inclusion a ...
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For people with intellectual disabilities, lifelong learning is not only about learning new skills, it is about being included in society, being able to represent themselves and being able to take control of their daily lives and their future. Adult education is especially important for this group of learners yet one of the main barriers is a lack of accessible adult training material. Bringing to ...
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People with intellectual/learning disabilities require constant re-training of skills. One ofthe main barriers for people with learning disabilities is the lack of accessible adulttraining and information material in easy-to-read/understand language. Some initialsteps have been taken by adult education providers, NGOs and companies to developmore material accessible for people with intellectual di ...
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The project will facilitate and encourage the use of 'assistive technologies' for persons with disabilities entering Higher Education and the Labour Market. A project website will be developed as the main tool for promoting information about assisted technologies to students, employees, educators & trainers and will deliver activities in an appropriate user-friendly manner to the target group. The ...
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From disability to opportunity : Social inclusion of disabled people can best be achieved through employment. The project has developed the necessary tools to facilitate the flow of disabled workers onto the labour market, empowering disabled individuals and guiding employers. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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