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7 projets européens trouvés

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Handbook for reluctant, struggling and poor readers

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

...ered by obstacles they cannot yet overcome by themselves, they need the help of competent others, especially the help of professional teachers. Having identified the need for explicit instruction and educational support on reading strategies, together with psychological support to build up motivation and self-confidence, the project offers a mix of instructional strategies adapted to the level of ...
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Leadership capacity building for career development of educational staff

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The main aim of the project LEADCAREER is to develop school leadership knowledge and skills for career development of educational staff. This will be effected by realizing two specific objectives of the project: - to develop a curriculum for a training programme for school leaders focused on capacity building for career development of education staff; -to develop a strategy for implementing the ...
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KA1 School education staff mobility 101

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

...cio-economic background and/or from national minorities. Therefore the risk of early drop out is quite high, at the moment 15 % of the pupils are at risk to leave school with only lower secondary education or less. In order to support these pupils our school will become a community environment: external stakeholders, like parents, representatives from national minorities, migrant organization, spo ...
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Preventing Early School Leaving Through Inclusive Strategies

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

In Europe 5.5 million young people quit school before they have completed the upper secondary education. In Romania the rate of early school leaving (ESL) is 18% (2012) and in Turkey it is about 44%, the average rate in the EU is 12.4%. The risk of ESL is especially high for disadvantaged minorities, including Roma. 9% of the Roma in Romania (aged 18-30) complete high school (compared to 41% of ot ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2011,

...for this project are different (EC) surveys showing that children are more and more using ICT and ICT based serious games. These surveys also describe that only 10% of the serious games are used for educational programmes in schools. Therefore proven positive benefits of serious game use remain limited to the private situation of children and are not deployed to achieve educational objectives and ...
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Conscious of a need to more effectively stimulate and promote active citizenship across Europe, Face It partners worked together to develop a training course for adult educators, specifically targetting those working in the area of family learning. Promoting increased involvement in local communities, adult educators were recognised as key to the promotion of active citizenship, yet their own trai ...
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...ia, Greece & Germany responded to these identified skills problems by offering new approaches to training to develop these skills using learning outcomes/competence-based approaches. NESSIE developed educational materials in cooperation with VET providers & employers to both train workers in the workplace & unemployed job seekers, and importantly assess these essential soft skills. The training & ...
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