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Leadership capacity building for career development of educational staff
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The main aim of the project LEADCAREER is to develop school leadership knowledge and skills for career development of educational staff. This will be effected by realizing two specific objectives of the project: - to develop a curriculum for a training programme for school leaders focused on capacity building for career development of education staff; -to develop a strategy for implementing the above mentioned programme into lifelong learning of school leaders. Slovenia, Austria, Croatia are the partners involved on the project. The need for a project derives from different research results and from good practice in other fields outside educational environment. The main arguments are related to the changing social environment which requires flexible working time and educational staff that will be more and more responsible for steering their own career development. Educational staff should for reasons of irregular employment and varieties of employment know themselves well and identify opportunities for learning and work, being able to make decisions and successfully transfer and shift between their roles as students, staff members, family members and citizens. On the other hand, school leaders should become competent in career guidance and development of educational staff. Therefore it is necessary to offer school leaders and other educational staff training for career development, i.e. to enhance their career competence (being part of a learning to learn and entrepreneurship competences). The main aim of the project is to develop a 5 -day innovative curriculum with the help of the headteachers (as the main target group) from all partner countries. We intend to invite headteachers (10 from each partner country) to actively participate in the curriculum design. In order to reach the main aims 5 intellectual outputs are planned: a comparative study, a detailed curriculum, pedagogical materials, policy recommendations/guidelines and an e-book. Aproximately 120 people will be involved and will benefit from the project directly and indirectly. The main target groups are headteachers, teaching staff, institutions and policy makers. The quality of the project's activities and results will be monitored throughout the project with questionnaires, logs and reports. Transnational project meeting will be held in each participating country as to gain a clear insight into the culture, thinking and hands-on practice of the countries involved. 10 meetings are planned being held every 2-3 months. After each transnational meeting, a consultation day with headteachers will be performed. The main aim of the consultation days is to present the headteachers separate parts of the curriculum, gain their views, beliefs, knowledge and attitudes, suggest methods of implementation and guidelines for policy making at the national and international levels. The main expected impacts are: - the empowerment of headteachers for leading their own career development and of educational staff because of the very direct involvement into the project. -ready made training materials and developed curriculum for leadership capacity building for career development of educational staff, - policy documents, profesionally supported and reasearch-based, - empowered training institutions for leadership capacity building for career guidance of educational staff. Dissemination strategy will encompass a wider audience using different communication channels, e.g. web pages, journals, conferences, informal meetings, workshops, training programmes.



2 Participants partenaires