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3 projets européens trouvés

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I can Lead! I can facilitate!

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

The training course 'I can lead! I can facilitate!' is projected for young people who are leaders, coordinators, youth workers in their organisations and want to improve their skills in leading projects, managing groups and especially in facilitating. 30 young people from; 15 youth organisations (from Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Portugal, Albania, Armenia, Russia, Macedònia, Georgia, Ukrai ...
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Volunteers wear PRADA

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010,

The project with the title 'Volunteers wear PRADA (PR. A.ctivism D.evelopment Achievement) -Fashion trends in international youth and volunteer movement' will gather 33 activists from 14 youth and voluntary organizations from all over Europe for an international training course that will take place in Ukraine in March 2011. On one hand, the project will address the more 'traditional' but highly im ...
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The seminar Youth facing global challenges for peaceful and sustainable future will happen from 8lh of February until 15th of February in Novi Sad, Serbia. The main theme of seminar is to build cooperation between youth organizations involved in environmental and peace issues, and raise awareness on sustainable lifestyle and environmental problems with accent on climate change and its influence on ...
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