Rechercher des projets européens

7 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


One Step Ahead

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

Young people are the most exposed to the effects of the crisis as they postpone educational/professional development and the transition to the adulthood. Public policies have a bigger effectiveness if they are more complementary through a high level of coherence/comprehensiveness of the implemented measures. This aim concerns the integration of LLL with social and labour policies. Youth social m ...
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With the CHANGE project P1 – UNISA proposes a model of intervention in the frame ofthe LLP aiming to provide the elderly with the necessary competencies to remain activeand to address the challenges presented by the increase of life expectancy and workingperiod in appropriate ways. This will be to utilize training concepts as a strategy torealise a more integrated society that includes the elderly ...
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The FAIR project aims at reinforcing existing tools and processes for the development of lifelong education and training policy and further developing a series of indicators for the evaluation of different learning contexts (formal, non-formal and informal) specific to the Fair Trade sector. The project will further address the recognition of qualifications acquired in both formal and non-formal e ...
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The DREAM JOB project aims to create a common European model with regard to apprenticeship level training and will establish a permanent European Resource Centre for the collection, synthesis and transfer of approaches, methodologies, tools & experiences considered as best practice in the this field.The principal products of the project are in the establishment of a European Resource Centre Networ ...
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This project is aimed at establishing a widely articulated methodology for the improvement of capabilities of VET teachers and of other relevant actors in training and learning processes in different socio-economic contexts – concerning the implementation of reflective practices within their activities, i.e. those methodologies able to discover and valorise the implicit and unexpected outcomes of ...
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The project will offer a holistic and multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme for disabled persons to enhance the range of services that are available to them. The project's rehabilitative programme is a cooperative endeavour between healthcare services, social services and employment agencies in each partner country. A survey will be undertaken of the specific needs of disabled persons and of ...
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Ring started from results obtained in 2 previous projects coordinated by Turin (E1 measure-POR-ESF "VELA Project-Enhance the work experience of family carers";LdV-Mobility-Vetpro"LAPIS:formative tracks for the promotion of Healthy Ageing". Then in the needs and feasibility analysis shared by a wide national and European partnership has been confirmed the need to improve and implement the training ...
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