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3 projets européens trouvés

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PERL (Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living) is a partnership of researchers and educators, aware of the urgent need for individuals and society to significantly rethink and reorient the choices they make and the manner in which they live their lives in order to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and financial instability, ensure more just distribution of resou ...
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Lifelong learning includes not only reforms of basic and further education systems, butalso structural intervention in the field of adult education and training. Against thisbackground, however, initial training of adult educators-to-be is still a neglected area ofresearch in Europe.The objectives of the projects are to:• Create better understanding of what governs the formation of initial compete ...
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Erfolgreiches Lernen hängt von der Qualität des schulischen Lebens und damit von derQualität der Schulleitung ab. In einem immer komplexeren Umfeld und infolge dereuropäischen Tendenz, einzelnen Schulen mehr Autonomie zu gewähren, stehenSchulleiter vor zusätzlichen Herausforderungen. Die Bedeutung der Schulleitung hatsich in den letzten Jahren daran gezeigt, dass in Europa eine Vielzahl von Führun ...
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