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3 projets européens trouvés

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Shout And Vote for Environment

Date du début: 15 mars 2015, Date de fin: 14 août 2015,

It is a Youth Exchange project that will be actualized in France, in the city of Nancy with the total of 30 participants which includes two leaders from each countries with activities last 8 days. It has a pre-visit and main activity week in France. Project, the theme of which is recycling and environment aims to instruct and raise awareness about the environment and recycling on the whole se ...
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Move Against Discriminations

Date du début: 15 août 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

'ZERO' present a youth exchange project with the participants from Turkey, France and Italy about the struggle against the discrimination dates between 04-10-2014 and 11-10-2014. It aims to attract attention and raise awareness to the differences of life styles of each cultures and contribute to the multiculturalizm and to the education of the young people. The project also aims to add to the art ...
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Nowadays the migratory flows are rising exponentially. Many scientific studies stress the discomforts coming from the arrival in a new country, with all those problems related to the reception and to the integration process: people feel the sensation of disharmony, the difficulties related to the loss of their professional skills, the fear of not being able to support their families, the sense o ...
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