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12 projets européens trouvés

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Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas (MERCES)

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2020,

The project MERCES is focused on the restoration of different degraded marine habitats, with the aim of: 1) assessing the potential of different technologies and approaches; 2) quantifying the returns in terms of ecosystems services and their socio-economic impacts; 3) defining the legal-policy and governance frameworks needed to optimize the effectiveness of the different restoration approaches. ...
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INTCATCH will instigate a paradigm shift in the monitoring and management of surface water quality that is fit for global waters in the period 2020-2050. INTCATCH will do this by developing efficient, user-friendly water monitoring strategies and systems based on innovative technologies that will provide real time data for important parameters, moving towards SMART Rivers. The business model will ...
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Buildings Operational stage represents 80% of building’s life-cycle cost of which 50% is consequence of the energy use. Up to 90% of the buildings’ life cycle carbon emissions occur during their operational phase, mainly as consequence of the HVAC, lighting and appliances’ energy use. Therefore, energy and cost saving strategies addressing this building operation phase will have a major impact in ...
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RESEEPE will bring together design and decision making tools, innovative building fabric manufacturers and a strong demonstration programme to demonstrate the improved building performance through retrofitting. The core idea of the RESSEEPE project is to technically advance, adapt, demonstrate and assess a number of innovative retrofit technologies. Reductions in the area of 50% will be achieved i ...
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The potential of geographic information (GI) collected by various actors ranging from public administration to voluntary initiatives of citizens is not fully exploited. The advancements of ICT technologies and shift towards Linked Open Data give floor to innovation.The establishment of SDIs has largely been driven by the "traditional" GI community and the national and European policies governing t ...
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CITI-SENSE will develop “citizens’ observatories” to empower citizens to contribute to and participate in environmental governance, to enable them to support and influence community and societal priorities and associated decision making. CITI-SENSE will develop, test, demonstrate and validate a community-based environmental monitoring and information system using innovative and novel Earth Observa ...
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The importance of advanced simulation to the competitiveness of both large and small companies is well established. The principal objective of Fortissimo is to enable European manufacturing, particularly small to medium enterprises (SMEs), to benefit from the efficiency and competitive advantage inherent in the use of simulation. However, the simulation of, for example, high-pressure gas cylinders ...
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Harvesting solar energy with multifunctional glass-polymer windows (HARWIN)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

In HarWin new materials will be developed with the aim of constructing next generation windows. These windows will improve significantly energy efficiency of windows and the buildings. They will enable extension of window functionality beyond the current European State of Art. The improvements are based on reduced weight, reduced thermal conductivity and energy consumption, reduced material usage ...
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Ecovillages for sustainable rural development (Ecovillages)

Date du début: 16 sept. 2010, Date de fin: 15 déc. 2013,

The Ecovillage Movement is an initiative looking for a more sustainable way of living in rural areas and promoting a lot of innovations which deals with climate change, environmental pollution, resource shortages and social problems people face nowadays. Project “Ecovillages for sustainable rural development” aims at fostering ecovillages development as a more sustainable way of living in rural ar ...
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The project addresses from one site the most critical and costly step to produce liquid fuel from natural gas using conventional routes, e.g. the stage of syngas production, and from the other side explores alternative routes to convert natural gas to liquid transportable products. The general objective is to explore novel and innovative (precompetitive) routes for transformation of natural gas t ...
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Title: Creating a platform for communication between science and practice in organic food system.Introduction: Organic agriculture is a system of farm management based on natural substances and processes and, therefore, contributing to environment protection, animal welfare and rural development. Since 1990 the market for organic products has been growing rapidly. Increasing demand for organic foo ...
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The need to enhance collaborative planning of natural resources has been recognised in many international conventions and reflected in the evolving legislation of the EU and the Member States. E.g. a new type of strategic planning approach has been launched. This “program-based planning of natural resources” (PBPNR) approach requires taking into consideration local level actors and stake-holders. ...
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