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19 projets européens trouvés

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Forest biomass is currently one of the most important source of renewable energy and accounts for almost half of the EU’s total renewable energy consumption. In addition to raw materials, forests also provide a wide range of vital non-wood services that should be protected during wood extraction. The innovation project Forwarder2020 has the main aim of improving sustainability of wood production a ...
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The project will develop well-targeted and sound communication material that raises awareness on our (individual and collective) responsibility and interest in ensuring the sustainability of the ocean and of its ecosystems. The project builds on critical assessments of: (1) existing communication strategies, material and governance that focuses on the ocean; (2) the values, perceptions and underst ...
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Description (EN): THE4BEES builds on the hypothesis: Energy is consumed by people rather than by buildings. Although most of the strategies to achieve energy efficiency in buildings focus on technical mitigation measures, to reach the ambitious goals on Low Carbon set by EU and Alpine Strategy, both structural and soft approaches shall be considered in a complementary way across the ...
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Teaching in Diversity

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2018,

Respect for and tolerance to diversity are fundamental European values. Nevertheless, the recent economic and financial crisis reinforced significantly the negative attitudes towards the „others“ that the increased mobility evoked after the EU Enlargement. Nowadays, the flow of refugees has fueled into the existing hostility towards people with different cultural background. Diversity has become a ...
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IMPRESS will develop three different prefabricated panels for buildings: (i) a polyurethane based insulated panel with improved thermal performance and light radiation and (ii) a thin, lightweight pre-cast concrete sandwich panel, with optimum thermal and weathering resistance, both of which are suitable for overcladding; (iii) a lightweight pre-cast concrete sandwich panel incorporating Phase Ch ...
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Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy encompasses Solar Thermal Electricity (STE), Solar Fuels, Solar Process Heat and Solar Desalination that are called to play a major role in attaining energy sustainability in our modern societies due to their unique features: 1) Solar energy offers the highest renewable energy potential to our planet; 2) STE can provide dispatchable power in a technically and eco ...
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 TERMINÉ system with a dedicated power block, a fresh water production unit and hybridization biomass system plant.It aims at demonstrating the performances of the World’s first direct molten salt CSP stand alone plant where the inlet turbine temperature is 530°C and molten salts are used directly into the solar trough collectors fully integrating the production of electricity, fresh water and inte ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Game Jams have been organised for several years around the world and are a powerful instrument to stimulate innovation in the creation, development and deployment of educational games. Game Jam events are typically organised for 48 hours and simultaneously conducted in various locations. They offer the possibility to develop an idea into a potentially innovative solution around specific themes wh ...
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European Multiple MOOC Aggregator (EMMA)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

The objective of this proposal is to pilot a number of trusted elements to put in place a unique platform to support ICT-based innovation in higher education and training approaches, thus scaling up existing trials and translation solutions. Validation and evaluation processes will also be tested during the pilot. Emma aims to showcase excellence in innovative teaching methodologies and learning a ...
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Boosting European Games Industry (BOO-Games)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

Once the economic force of Creative Industries (CI) was showcased by several studies,the development of strong digital+interactive media strategies is still high on the agenda throughout Europe. Especially the digital games market is a fast growing market within CI:The global demand for digital games is expected to grow 10% annually in the next years.Today the production of is an interna ...
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Open Innovation in Alpine SMEs (OPEN-ALPS)

Date du début: 30 juin 2011, Date de fin: 29 juin 2014,

OPEN-ALPS strengthens the competitiveness of the Alpine Space by introducing and realising innovations in SMEs based on the Open Innovation (OI) paradigm. Main objective is to support Alpine SMEs in technology branches on their way from internal closed innovation to "open innovation". This shall encourage innovation, entrepreneurship and strengthen research and innovation capacities for SMEs in th ...
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European Support Framework on Networked Media R&D for SMEs (SMARD)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 31 mars 2013,

...nsortium is led by MFG Baden-Württemberg and comprises European partners from Salzburg Region (Salzburg Research), Flanders (Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology (IBBT) and Piemonte (CSP innovazione nelle ICT).The vision is to put advanced digital media technologies in the focus of future markets for SMEs from the digital media industries as well as web-economy and beyond. Therefor ...
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Digital Ecosystems - Learning Applications Network (DE-LAN)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

This Project supports the INTERREG IVC Programme’s profoundly-important objective of improving the effectiveness of regional development policies for the advancement of the knowledge economy. It will result in enhanced policies for increased regional competitiveness, job creation and growth - both at project partner level and across all EU regions – via the development, deployment and exploitatio ...
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The proposed project CReATE is based on the cooperation of highly innovative clusters in the creative industries, one of the emerging lead markets of the European knowledge economy. With the objective to bring the benefits of research to SMEs, the largest group in those clusters, the project facilitates an “open innovation” approach. It incentivates and enables a more systematic use of the innova ...
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eGovernment Monitor Network (eGovMoNet)

Date du début: 1 mai 2008, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2010,

Description Harmonise the measurements to speed up the improvements of eGovernment serviceseGovMoNet is a European Thematic Network to stimulate development and take-up of good-practice for eGovernment measurement of user-satisfaction and impact. eGovMoNet will establish a sustainable community (across academia, industry, and public agenc ...
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Background The apron (Zingel asper) is a small, nocturnal bottom-dwelling fish listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. It only occurs in the Rhône river basin. It is about 15 to 20 cm in size and thrives in clear, oxygen-rich waters with clean gravel bottoms. The apron's behaviour is sedentary and territorial. At daytime, it remains hidden among r ...
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The operation UNDERSTAND - European Regions UNDER way towards STANDard indicators for benchmarking information society is based on the need for regional benchmarking as outlined in the e-Europe Action Plan 2005. Whilst benchmarking can provide useful concrete evidence on the level and nature of ICT investments at regional level, the partnership wants to go one step further towards a qualitative be ...
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1. Background: Personnel and organisational development plays a significant role for the strategic development of every organisation. Especially in organisations whose business concept foots on the knowledge of highly qualified employees such as training institutions are dependent on innovative personnel and organisational management concepts. An effective and target-oriented communication and kno ...
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MEDEA2020 is a dissemination and exploitation project that will exploit existing know-how and experience in the use of media in education and training in Europe. It responds to a growing pressure to provide more relevant and attractive learning opportunities to citizens through the use of ICT in general and media in particular. It addresses a problem whereby there are an increasing number of 'pock ...
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