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4 projets européens trouvés

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Block Magic

Date du début: 1 déc. 2011,

Studies show that IT can make a useful contribution to learning in infant and primary schools. However, many techniques require major investments in equipment, skills and time. BLOCK MAGIC proposes a novel, IT-based teaching methodology, especially suited to situations where these resources are unavailable. Many learning activities for young children involve manipulation of physical objects. Howev ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2010,

Nearly all productive activity involves work by teams of competing and collaborating individuals, each with their own personalities, motivations and skills. The effectiveness and efficiency of the team is an emergent property of the dynamics that develop within the team in a continuous cycle of “forming - storming- norming and performing”. Effective team leaders manage these dynamics in ways that ...
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Teaching to Teach with Technology

Date du début: 1 déc. 2009,

In recent years, research has generated a wide range of methodologies, tools and practices for the application of technology in learning. The partners in T3 have played an active role in this work. The techniques they have proposed (and validated) in research include virtual environments (for the teaching of soft skills), simulations of biological, physical and processes (in science teaching), sim ...
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The project will develop innovative training practices aimed at improving negotiation skills and intercultural awareness of front office staff , of professionals and employees in contact with the public, of workers of the call centres, of trainers and teachers. A further target groups are the VET institutions, who can include training for negotiation in their formative offer for a wider audience, ...
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