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Teaching to Teach with Technology
Date du début: 1 déc. 2009,

In recent years, research has generated a wide range of methodologies, tools and practices for the application of technology in learning. The partners in T3 have played an active role in this work. The techniques they have proposed (and validated) in research include virtual environments (for the teaching of soft skills), simulations of biological, physical and processes (in science teaching), simulations of inter-social processes (in management training), serious gaming (again in management training), the use of Web 2.0 technology (in collaborative learning), and the use of robots (in science education for school children). Outside the laboratory, however, use of these and similar technologies remains low. Despite major investment, the majority of modern e-learning continues to be based either on video-lessons (mainly used in company or university settings) or on page-turning web sites. Against this background, the strategic goal of T3 is to develop and validate an innovative teaching program to promote the use of advanced learning technology by: (i) university teaching staff; (ii) secondary school teachers; (ii) trainers involved in VET. Key features of the program will include (i) theoretical classes discussing the features and advantages of the new technologies; (ii) practical workshops, in which learners (university teaching staff, teachers and trainers) simulate learning sessions and familiarize with technologies (iii) project work, in which learners will prepare learning projects for use in their own classes, implement the project, and evaluate the results; (iv) joint assessment of the results by participants in the program. The program will be validated in a 9 month trial with 3 specific target groups (20 participants per group per trial) in 3 countries (Rome, Italy: professional trainers; Valencia, Spain: university teaching staff; London UK: secondary school teachers). The final output will be a set of freely available tools, designed to encourage uptake of new learning technologies for use in universities, schools and professional training. These will include a book (available in printed and in downloadable format) describing practical applications of the new technology, free software, and a web site providing access to required technologies and technical support and a set of paper and electronic learning materials.The project (which will last 2 years) will be organized into 10 Work Packages. These will be dedicated respectively to Coordination (WP1); Needs Analysis (WP2); Selection of technologies (WP3); Methodology and Learning Program (WP4), Technologies and infrastructure: testing set up and management (WP5), Trials (WP6), production of a book and CD/DVD ("Teaching with Technology") (WP7), a Quality Plan (WP8), Dissemination (WP9) and Exploitation and Sustainability (WP10).



  • Projet sur ERASMUS platform

4 Participants partenaires