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3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


"Youth for Youth"

Date du début: 15 mars 2011,

Millions of people from all the Europe and world are living in countries as a group of people which differ from larger group in matter of race.religion.politicaly, etc. having full rights, but sometimes not. Freedom of declaring yourself as a member of some minority group in country of residence, sometimes is draging obscure generalisation and opinions from 'majority' groups that are without any a ...
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"Let's Work Together"

Date du début: 10 mars 2011,

Resource Centre Leskovac from Serbia will, together with partners, organize a 6 day (excluding travel days) youth exchange under the project name LET'S WORK TOGETHER for 30 young people from Slovenia, Poland, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM and Serbia aged 18-25 in order to discuss about environmental problems and importance of recycling in everyday life. The group will also raise awarene ...
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InterActive Train - get in gain

Date du début: 1 nov. 2009,

The main aim of the projec'lnerAciveTrain-get in gain' is to empower young people to participate actively in civil society, experiencing how democracy functions by learning and doing and using street animation technics as a tool for promoting democratic participation.The aim is planned to be achieved by combining several phases of local and international dimension acitivities: local -activiftes of ...
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