Rechercher des projets européens

"Youth for Youth"
Date du début: 15 mars 2011,

Millions of people from all the Europe and world are living in countries as a group of people which differ from larger group in matter of race.religion.politicaly, etc. having full rights, but sometimes not. Freedom of declaring yourself as a member of some minority group in country of residence, sometimes is draging obscure generalisation and opinions from 'majority' groups that are without any arrguments, especially in the Balkan region. Serbia is Balkan country and for many years even decades, is trying to solve this problem. Serbia has a sixteen different national councils of minorities existing today, with elected representatives to Ministry of human and minority rights, but even with this national bodies, minorities and their position quite often are not taken in consideration.The International Youth Exchange, which we will organize from the 20th May of 2011 to the 25th of May of 2011 (excluding travel days) in Serbia aims to speak about involvement of youth from minority grup and their integration. It will involve 36 youngsters from different economical, social, cultural and religious backgrounds from 6 countries (3 Programme Countries + 3 from South East Europe Countries). This youth exchange will be based on non-formal education methodology; it will be lead by an experienced international core team, creating a space for the participants for raising their awareness about the situation of youth from minority groups in Europe, making them reflect about their role as youth workers, by promoting concrete strategies for the inclusion and integration of youth in societies. We also aim to identify differences and commonalities by sharing their personal experiences, discussing about the roots and ways of overcoming immigrants discrimination, developing inter-cultural communication skills and motivating the participants to multiply the acquired knowledge in various follow-up events in local and international level.


5 Participants partenaires