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10 projets européens trouvés

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Sharing Cities (SHAR-LLM)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2020,

Sharing Cities has four key objectives. 1) To achieve scale in the European smart cities market by proving that properly designed smart city solutions, based around common needs, can be integrated in complex urban environments. This will be done in a way that exhibits their true potential and allows for the significant scale-up and consequent increase in social, economic and environmental value. ...
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e-CF COUNCIL will build a stable network of reference stakeholders in the ICT sector to foster ICT professionalism at European and international level. There will be employer and professional associations, social partners, companies, Small-Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), public authorities, training institutions and certification bodies. The development of recognised and joint ICT VET programme ...
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The establishment of good governance will effectively secure the confidence of the industry to use the Interoperability Framework (IF) semantic technologies that will be established under the IP4 Shift2Rail program. The objective of the Governance of the IF for Rail and Intermodal Mobility (GoF4R) project is to define sustainable governance for the IF that will create the right conditions to intro ...
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Semantic Transformations for Rail Transportation (ST4RT)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2018,

The objective of the proposal is research in semantic, ontology based automation of transformations between heterogeneous data formats, and its application to a complex ‘after-sales’ process use case in an actual run-time demonstration scenario. The technology will leverage Shift2Rail Interoperability Framework (IF) components developed in the IT2Rail “lighthouse” project, extending it for use in ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

The IT²RAIL -“Information Technologies for Shift to rail” proposal, first step towards the long term IP4 -“IT for an Attractive Railway” SHIFT²RAIL Innovation Programme, aims at providing a new seamless travel experience, giving access to a complete multimodal travel offer which connects the first and last mile to long distance journeys.This is achieved through the introduction of a ground breakin ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2014,

Description The PlanetData project aims to establish an interdisciplinary, sustainable European community of researchers, helping organizations to expose their data on the Web PlanetData will push forward the state-of-the-art in large-scale data management and its application to the creation of us ...
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INDENICA - Engineering Virtual Domain-Specific Service Platforms (INDENICA)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2013,

Service-oriented computing has attracted significant attention over recent years. While this innovative approach provides enormous potential for software development in an open, networked environment, the very different constraints and quality concerns in different domains have so far led to a heterogeneous landscape of service platforms.While a single integrated platform would be highly desirable ...
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Description Not just a single reasoning engine, but a generic platform and an open architectureLarKC will develop the Large Knowledge Collider, an open-source pluggable distributed infrastructure for real-time incomplete reasoning and search, exploiting techniques and heuristics from areas as diverse as databases, machine learning, cognit ...
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The main objective of the project is to foster a harmonised technology for managing in real time the energy consumption of appliances at home, interworking this information to communication devices over the home network and virtualising it with the final aim of making it available to users through home communication networks in the form of standalone or network operator services.Behind this scope, ...
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The Process of Bologna calls for an urgent reform the higher education system so that universities may become motors of change and innovation. One strategic action is the curricula reform to tailor them with the requests coming from the labour market (cfr. Comm. "New skills for new jobs").Nevertheless, relevant weaknesses are still detectable. The programmes of most EU universities are still root ...
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