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3 projets européens trouvés

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...ecification for the product-service, as well as outlining the most profitable business exploitation through further analysis.The new consortium is composed of four original partners from SIS project (Calzamedi, Texinov, Nimesis and IBV) and two retailing distributors (OrtoTwins and TechnoBoots). The outcomes produced will allow the consortium to execute suitable marketing actions, enhancing SMEs t ...
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FASHION-ABLE project aims at providing the European innovative and customization-concerned SMEs with the technological means that will enable the agile and eco-efficient production of personalised products addressing the complex individualised needs of growing market niches out of the scope of mass-produced goods in terms of health and performance. FASHION-ABLE vision is to provide the innovative ...
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Foot diseases are recognised as a wide societal problem and the large majority of people affected are women. The hallux valgus (commonly known as bunion) is the most frequent foot deformation affecting one every five women in adult age. This pathology along with others such as hammertoes, claw toes, metatarsalgies and ingrown nails take place at the forefoot and are mainly caused by the prolonged ...
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