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7 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

Rostrum+ is a project that aims to promote contemporary classical music and strengthen this sector in Europe and beyond. It will do so by exploring innovative strategies to develop audiences, promote new music, enhance the capacity and skills of radio professionals and inspire cooperation between musicians, higher music education institutions and broadcasting companies throughout Europe and across ...
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...: job shadowing (8 persons) and participation in courses/trainings (6 persons).The project’s partners are the prestigious European cultural institutions: Palais des Beaux-Arts – BOZAR, Belgium, Stichting Het Rijksmuseum, Holland, Van Abbemuseum, Holland. We also co-operate with the experienced institutions from Portugal (Centro Europeu de Línguas, Lda.) and organisers of courses from Germany (Inte ...
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Big Bang - an Adventurous Music Project for Children

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

...uctions and preparing them for broadcasting and CD/DVD distribution. The partners are: Centro cultural de Bélem (Lisbon, PT), Onassis Cultural Center (Athens, GR), Konserthus (Stavanger, NO), Bozar (Brussels, BE), Fondación Alcala Innova (Seville, ES), KinderKinder (Hamburg, DE), Opéra de Lille (Lille, FR) and Zonzo Compagnie (Antwerp, BE).
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Towards 2020: Skilling Musicians & Engaging Audiences

Date du début: 6 mars 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

...ure, Multilingualism, Sport, Media and Youth, as “Europe at its best … [of which] I am deeply proud”, the EUYO will join a powerful consortium of Partners Grafenegg Festival in Austria, BOZAR and Culture Action Europe from Belgium, The Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation, The Ferruccio Busoni Competition in Bolzano Italy, Music Centre Slovakia, and UK digital communications organisation John Good ...
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Since 1991 ECHO exists as a small group of closely related concert halls that worked in the same region. They were convinced that it was to the benefit of all partners to collaborate and exchange information on the programmes and artists they invited and the way they worked. This collaboration is based on a shared mission that combines the search for the highest artistic quality with a strong comm ...
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This project proposes a jump in 500 years of joint cultural history between Europe and Turkey to change perceptions of citizens & artists from both sides. With its 6 partners & 7 associate partners from 9 countries, it will show to around 300,000 citizens the results of artistic exchanges between Europe and Ottomans a few centuries ago and stimulate artistic encounters and debates on cultural rela ...
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Singing Cities

Date du début: 1 mai 2013,

SINGING CITIES is a project for the innovative and sustainable advance of singing within and across European cities, a first‐time focused cooperation between singing organisations, concert halls, music educators, researchers and local communities.SINGING CITIES aim to bring back singing as a communal experience and to promote the voice as universal instrument for dialogue, health and community. Th ...
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