Rechercher des projets européens

Singing Cities
Date du début: 1 mai 2013,

SINGING CITIES is a project for the innovative and sustainable advance of singing within and across European cities, a first‐time focused cooperation between singing organisations, concert halls, music educators, researchers and local communities.SINGING CITIES aim to bring back singing as a communal experience and to promote the voice as universal instrument for dialogue, health and community. The involved artists and cultural managers travel across Europe, share artistic and cultural works and engage in intercultural dialogue.The consortium of SINGING CITIES brings together a variety of transnational partners who develop deeper content and stronger long-term impact then if they were all of the same kind. They come from 6 countries and cooperate across singing disciplines, focused for the first time on such a transformational project. During 2 years they will develop a pragmatic approach for yearly events and continuous activities, communicate their progresses and results, and bring back singing at the heart of 4 cities.The long-lasting impact of SINGING CITIES lies in coordinating the sustainable transformation of Berlin, Brussels, Newcastle-Gateshead, and Namsos into SINGING CITIES, in sharing inspiring best practices – advocacy, education and performance – with other European cities, and in contributing to other European music initiatives. The European added value of SINGING CITIES lies in the network of project partners, grass-roots organisations and citizens who promote the project activities, recruit participants and disseminate results, in the cooperation of people and institutions from different countries and cultures and in the use of a European song repertoire.



7 Participants partenaires