Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens



Date du début: 1 nov. 2011,

CLAP – Convicts Liberty Aid Project is a response to the harsh reality of a convict facing the first days of liberty. If these days are not well prepared in advance, the risk or returning in prison is so much higher. CLAP aims at assisting the preparation of these days by offering a set of tools to the prison workers and inmates, but more important offer these actors the chance to negotiate and re ...
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The goal of this project was to transfer at European level the Spanish training course on labour risk prevention at work in agriculture to train farmers, remunerated persons and self-employed workers.The idea was based in the transference this complete programme through adaptation of the programme to a B-Learning system, to other countries (Poland, Romania and Bulgaria) characterized by a signific ...
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...pdated teaching materials on fish farming, EU legislations on fish farming, relevant importance as indicators of aquaculture sustainability. The targets of teaching materials are fish farmers, their associations, feed/eed additive sector, environmental associations, faculties of fisheries, agriculture, and also policy makers and institutions in Europe. The consortium consists universities, resear ...
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