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4 projets européens trouvés

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Migration - Challenge for Europe

Date du début: 10 août 2015, Date de fin: 9 sept. 2016,

...ed in the TC, they will send guest speakers to discuss issues connected with the field; The venue for both stages have been selected according to the need of project idea- Georgia, after signing the association agreement with EU, is actively working on the migration policy, but still there are a lot of challenges. participants coming from different countries can observe the situation and find the ...
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Jeune Transalpin, Réalise toi!

Date du début: 1 août 2013,

L'idée était de réunir des jeunes (8 par pays) afin de discuter ensemble des problèmes communs qu'ils rencontrent et voir comment les collectivités ou institutions les aident à les affronter. Observer en somme si nous sommes tous, jeunes européens de l'Union ou pas, égaux face à certains enjeux essentiels liés à la jeunesse tels que l’accès à l’emploi, au logement, à l’éducation… Les jeunes ont d ...
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YVote 2014 is an EU-wide campaign aiming to turn first-time voters and students into actors of the European Parliamentary Elections 2014 by informing them and encouraging them to participate.With this campaign, we want to enable young people to- Take stands on the most important social issues in Europe,- Exchange and develop their positions together- Effectively spread them by taking active role i ...
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Danube - Let it Flow!

Date du début: 1 août 2009,

Danube - Let if flow! Project is part of AEGEE Europe flagship project for 2008/2009 "Sustaining our Future", aiming to raise knowledge and involvement of European youth and their communities in the topic of sustainable development. Danube - Let it Flow Project aims to raise awareness on the interdependence of the Danube river and the communities directly in contact wih it, by making youth workers ...
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