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4 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

Тhe topic of the project is "Youth information" - it is training for 30 youth workers, representatives of 10 youth organizations from six European countries. The main objective of the project is to enable youth workers to meet, gain new knowledge and new skills necessary in order to raise the quality of their work, to share best practices in this area, to write standards for working of the youth ...
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Млади доброволци в действие / Young volunteers in action

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2015,

The project proposal presents a training course for 32 youth workers from 8 European and African countries. The main objective of the project is to create an opportunity for the youth workers to meet and exchange experience in the field of youth volunteering and its importance like an instrument for improving the competences of the young people and instrument for the development of the society. In ...
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Мисли разумно/Think Wise

Date du début: 1 mai 2013,

„МИСЛИ РАЗУМНО” е проект на тема ПРЕВЕНЦИЯ СРЕЩУ ЗАВИСИМОСТИ и има за цел да помогне на младежки лидери и младежки работници да развият своите умения за планиране и реализиране на проекти и обучения, свързани с пристрастяването към психотропни вещества, както и със здравословния начин на живот. В последните години рязко се увеличава използването на наркотици и алкохол сред младежите и поради тази ...
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The project addresses a need for CVET on the integration of support and housing for vulnerable people, including those with disabilities, mental health needs and/or experience of homelessness. The project has identified six core learning outcomes, following a research exercise into the services, settings and training available in the sector in EU countries. These outcomes have been incorporated in ...
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