Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens



Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

...ediary agencies and businesses. The current lack of effective networking and collaboration between the 2 sectors will be tackled by bringing together 5 regions (London, Ystad, Malaga, Apulia & La Valletta) at the forefront of screen tourism and 3 less-advanced regions (Rzeszow, Bucharest & Maribor). It will be deliveredfrom 2012-14 by lead partner Film London with Ystad City Council & Lund Univers ...
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The purpose of the project is to create an environment for boosting and promoting the juvenile leadership, while at the same time creates the place where the different artistic, cultural and social activities can be carried out. It aims to joint track between the different areas and to develop a cooperation strategy to support juvenile creativity. The main outputs include:- Interactive laboratorie ...
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Regional development can successfully integrate cultural and creative industries (CCI) in many areas of economy. To fully exploit their economic potential, the CCI need to increase their capacity to experiment and innovate. In this framework, the project objectives are:• Identifying main cultural events and heritage assets at regional level to be considered the engine for the development and promo ...
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