Rechercher des projets européens

2 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

The EU is hampered by a shortage of ICT skills and could lack the skills to fill as many as 700 000 IT jobs by 2015 – chapter 2.6 COM(2010) 245 "A Digital Agenda for Europe".Turkey, Italia and Bulgaria are making VET provision more responsive to evolving labour market needs based on forward planning tools in cooperation with social partners and public employment services. Moreover VET adapted to t ...
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Although women have made extensive progress in working life, rate of unemployment is still higher for women than men in EU in general. Women face more barriers in life from education to social responsibilities that may prevent them from fully participating in work/business and that situation is more pronounced when it comes to women from ethnic minorities, immigrants, women with disabilities or wi ...
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