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22 projets européens trouvés

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OPTIMISED aims to develop novel methods and tools for deployment of highly optimised and reactive planning systems that incorporate extensive factory modelling and simulation based on empirical data captured using smart embedded sensors and pro-active human-machine interfaces. The impact of energy management on factory planning and optimisation will be specifically assessed and demonstrated to red ...
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Fortissimo 2 will drive the uptake of advanced modelling, simulation and data analytics by European engineering and manufacturing SMEs and mid-caps. Such an uptake will deliver improved design processes, better products and services, and improved competitiveness. For the European Union as a whole this means improved employment opportunities and economic growth.The importance of advanced ICT to the ...
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AUTomotive deRivative Energy system (AutoRE)

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018,

"The overall aim is to create the foundations for commercializing an automotive derivative fuel cell system in the 50 to 100 kW range, for combined heat and power (CHP) applications in commercial and industrial buildings. More specifically, the project has the following objectives:• develop system components allowing reduced costs, increased durability and efficiency • build and validate a first ...
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Innovative Intelligent Rail (IN2RAIL)

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2018,

IN2RAIL is to set the foundations for a resilient, consistent, cost-efficient, high capacity European network by delivering important building blocks that unlock the innovation potential that exists in SHIFT2RAIL: innovative technologies will be explored and resulting concepts embedded in a systems framework where infrastructure, information management, maintenance techniques, energy, and engineer ...
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European Robotics Challenges (EuRoC)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

Description The EuRoC project proposes to launch three industry-relevant challenges aimed at sharpening the focus of European manufacturing through a number of application experiments, while adopting an innovative approach which ensures benchmarking and performance evaluation. Within an open call framework, three stages of increasing complex ...
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Engine Breakthrough Components and Subsystems (E-BREAK)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

Future aero engines will need to be more efficient and contribute to the reduction on environmental impact of air transportation. They must reach some standards of performance by reducing emissions and creating some savings on operation costs.EIMG consortium has launched since several years some initiatives to develop future engines in the frame of the European Committee research programmes.Within ...
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...(IMFT-INP), and advanced laser-based measurement techniques (INSEAN). Knowledge output is synthesized through a dedicated knowledge capturing programme by UoG, which is used by private sector partner Alstom UK. In AeroTraNet 2, the research output becomes itself object of knowledge management research, which is a novel supra-disciplinary element. By combining their well-established doctoral traini ...
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Critical System Engineering Acceleration (CRYSTAL)

Date du début: 1 mai 2013, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

CRYSTAL aims at fostering Europe’s leading edge position in embedded systems engineering in particular regarding quality and cost effectiveness of safety-critical embedded systems and architecture platforms.Its overall goal is to enable sustainable paths to speed up the maturation, integration, and cross-sectoral reusability of technological and methodological bricks of the factories for safety-cr ...
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The DeICE-UT project will overcome the current limitations of existing wind turbine blade de-icing systems by developing an innovative dual de-icing system combining both high power ultrasonic guided waves and low frequency vibrations. Previous work on helicopter blades has shown that low frequency vibrations are highly effective at de-icing across the blades except at the leading edges, whilst th ...
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The intelligent and cost effective use of CCS technologies requires new strategies to increase the net efficiency of coal fired power plants. Among them, the most promising are summarised as below:- Increase working steam temperature and pressure in new USC power plants (350-370 bar, 700/720°C minimum), and hence increase the severity of fireside operating conditions,- Promote clean coal technolog ...
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In line with the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and Deployment Strategy (DS), the ARCHER project will extend the state-of-the-art European (V)HTR technology basis with generic technical effort in support of nuclear cogeneration demonstration.The partner consortium consists of representatives of conventional and nuclear industry, utilities, Te ...
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European Railway Electromagnetic Compatibility (EUREMCO)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2011, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

The current authorisation process for placing into service rail vehicles according to Technical Specifications for Interoperability and national safety rules is a very long and costly process. The Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) provide common regulations for the placing in service of rail vehicle, when such common understanding and harmonized rules exist. This is not the case ...
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...s with internationally leading expertise in formal verification and simulation tools. Systerel and the Univs. of Düsseldorf and Southampton will lead the development of novel methods and tools while Alstom and Critical Software will apply these to the engineering of intelligent transport and energy systems. Selex ES, as the end user of the energy system development, will bring industrial and comme ...
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Carbon Capture and Sequestration has become an important technology to comply with the CO2 reduction targets set by the EC. However CCS has the drawback that the electrical efficiency of the coal fired power plant will drop significantly. To overcome this drawback, one has to increase the base efficiency of the power plant or increase the biomass co-firing share as this is a CO2 neutral energy sou ...
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Secured Urban Transportation - European Demonstration (SECUR-ED)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2011, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2014,

"SECUR-ED Project federates, with a delegated management and in a balanced manner, major operators and top industrial integrators to enhance the security of urban public transportation in medium and large cities, through live demonstrations.Based on the best practices, in a very diverse societal and legacy environment, SECUR-ED will aggregate a consistent and interoperable mix of technologies and ...
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Facing the problem of enhancing the railway security with a systematic top-down approach (i.e. to search for an all-inclusive solution valid for all the conceivable threat scenarios) is judged by PROTECTRAIL members too ambitious even if it could generate potential economies of scale and effort rationalisation. The proposed PROTECTRAIL approach is therefore to split the problem of making the railw ...
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Flutter-Free Turbomachinery Blades (FUTURE)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2008, Date de fin: 30 juin 2013,

"FUTURE brings together European and international well reputed centres-of-excellence in order to reach major scientific & technical objectives in striving towards flutter-free turbomachine blades. By advancing the state-of-the-art in flutter prediction capabilities and design rules, the FUTURE project will lead to benefits in terms of decreased development cost, reduced weight and fuel consumptio ...
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Enabling advanced pre-combustion capture techniques and plants (DECARBIT)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2008, Date de fin: 30 juin 2012,

DECARBit responds to the urgent need for further research and development in advanced pre-combustion capture techniques to substantially reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from fossil fuel power plants. The project will accelerate the technology development and contribute to the deployment of large scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) plants in line with the adopted European policies for emiss ...
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The environmental, societal, and economic drivers of an efficient urban transport system are well acknowledged and are reflected in the local transport plans of all major urban areas. The overall concept of the project is to facilitate the achievement of this goal by generating solutions to currently identified barriers that form the project imperatives, which have been established through close c ...
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INtegrated European Signalling System (INESS)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2008, Date de fin: 31 mars 2012,

"Due to the seamless guidance by rails, the railway system requires a dedicated signalling sub-system, whereby a major part of the functionality must be ensured and controlled on the infrastructure side. From a European perspective, the traditional signalling is one of the most conservative parts of the railway system strongly bound to the national traditions by all involved parties.Since 1990 the ...
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The development of GENERATION IV nuclear systems is identified as an important objective of the present Euratom work programme. The significant support given in FP5 and FP6 allowed Europe to acquire strong assets in the technology of one of the 6 GENERATION IV reactor types, the (V)HTR. In line with these assets and with the recommendation of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform, whi ...
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"The EU Council of Ministers held 8 & 9th march 2007 examined theses issues and agreed: “Renewable energy will cover at least 20 % of the EU’s energy demand by 2020”, amongst others. Wind power can make the most important contribution to these targets, if sufficient emphasis is established on technological R&D and market development. Because of the current European scenario and its forecasted evol ...
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