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10 projets européens trouvés

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Smart strategies to create innovation-based jobs in regions of Europe (SMART EUROPE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

...bly of European Regions (FR), MMU/Centre for Enterprise (UK), Veneto region and Veneto Innovazione (IT), Bologna province (IT), Észak-Alföld regional development agency (HU), Maramures County (RO), ALMI Mid Sweden (SE), Patras Science Park/Western Greece (EL),Sor-Trondelag County (No), Baltic Institute of Finland (FI) and Avila County (ES).The activities of SMART EUROPE include the collection and ...
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Creative Industries Network Enables Regional Growth (CINERGY)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013,

The core idea of the CINERGY project is to bring the Creative Industries (CI) and Traditional Industries (TI) together and facilitate the collaboration between them. In these creative meetings something new can happen and innovative products and services can emerge from the collaboration. The Cinergy project is not just about the creative industrise or the traditional industries - it is about what ...
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Northern Innovation network

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2013,

The aim is to enhance competitiveness among innovators and industry in the Arctic area by establishing a network that can increase collaboration and skills transfer across borders. An enlarged cross network between established players to address innovations for commercialization and licensing across the border between entrepreneurs, academia and research institutes.
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Mainstreaming INnovative Instruments for SME development in Europe (MINI EUROPE)

Date du début: 10 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 30 août 2011,

...resented groups in entrepreneurshipThe MINI EUROPE partnership combines the experience of 8 regions from all parts of Europe: Flevoland (NL, lead), Tameside (UK), Észak-Alföld (HU), Maramures (RO), ALMI Mid Sweden, Valencia/IMPIVA (ES), Patras Science Park and Veneto region (IT). Veneto region is represented by two partners. MINI EUROPE is initiated by regional politicians sharing the vision that ...
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Strategy and Action Plan for the Barents Region up to 2010 (BARENTS 2010)

Date du début: 30 juin 2003, Date de fin: 30 mars 2006,

The project has been initiated by the Barents Regional Council and follows up an evaluation of regional co-operation in the Barents Region 1993-2000. The Barents region consists of thirteen regions and many different ethnic groups in four countries, which have a lot of common problems. Differences in culture, legal framework, etc create problems and hamper fruitful co-operation. Almost all parts o ...
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The project sets out to foster entrepreneurship in EU islands with the aim of promoting high tech start-up businesses. Given that islands often lack entrepreneurial opportunities because of their geographical position and absence of a high-tech infrastructure, the project targets young engineers and scientists, either employed or unemployed but living on one of the EU islands, with the aim of fost ...
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Botnia Tour ska öka turismbranschens kunskaper om européernas resvanor och preferenser med hjälp av omvärldsbevakning och marknadsanalyser. Dessutom kommer vi att bidra till en effektivare marknadsföring av Kvarken. Det ska helt enkelt bli allmänt känt att vår region är ett spännande resmål som bjuder på rika erfarenheter. Projektet syftar till att bibehålla och öka strömmen av turister, såväl ini ...
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Projektet syftar till ökad affärsnytta genom att skapa nya marknader för SME-företagen i Kvarkenregionen. Genom nätverkssamarbete skall man utveckla och nyttja regionens gemensamma samlade kompetens. Förutsättningar ska skapas för företagens nätverkssamarbete över Kvarken, inriktat mot gemensamma kunder i eller utanför regionen
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...ceptet genomfördes i Vasa under namnet Designcamp. Fem studerande under handledning av designcentrum Muova i Vasa jobbade i åtta sommarveckor med att utveckla och hjälpa fem företag med deras D&Bkoncept. Slutpresentation för företagen, inbjudna och press fick även stort utrymme i regionala tidningar och radio. Både Designrådstävlingen och Designcamp (finansiering redan ordnad) har ynglat av sig oc ...
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The Sustainable Model for Arctic Regional Tourism will assist the arctic tourism sector (mainly local small to medium-sized tourism businesses and other local stakeholders) to develop positive economic, social and environmental benefits from tourism based on the unique cultural and natural environment of the North. The projects goal is to create resources, tools, and incentives that can be used di ...
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