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Economical Empowerment of women through education

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The economic situation since the crisis of 2008 has been at the roots of a huge increase in the unemployment figures across Europe. No country has been spared and we know that the longer people are unemployed, the more difficult it becomes for them to re-integrate “active life” Many grassroots “social educators” feel simply out-of-their-depth faced with the scale of the problem in their communitie...
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Ecology- Let's make the world a better place!

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

The main objective of the project is engaging youth from marginalised environment by using informal educational methods. We would like to spread the eco-friendly attitude among youth and encourage them to take care of natural environment, as well as trigger the multicultural discourse in order to promote tolerance. The participants are in the age bracket of 18 to 25. Most of the students are inter...
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The project is a 9 days non-formal educational training programme in Padova (taly), it includes 27 participants from 9 different countries (Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania) and it will take place from the 13th to the 21st of January 2017. The main target groups are youth-workers, social workers, teachers, etc. who already work or expect to work w...
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OPEN-UP. Istituzioni e giovani per idee innovative

Date du début: 4 avr. 2016, Date de fin: 3 févr. 2017,

The main aim of “OPEN-UP. Institutions and youth for innovative ideas” is to create a path of exchange and discussion between youth and policy makers on the issue of youth entrepreneurship.The partnership observes that youth initiatives often fails to result in concrete output due to:- Lack of education and training in the field of entrepreneurship, which can be seen as a path to value youth skill...
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The Tree of Awareness

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

The existential distress that young people live in this historical period has assumed alarming dimensions. Unemployment, no clear vision of their future, a not appropriate life style, enhance the sense of elienation. More and more young people leave school career, and others, after a long period of unemployment, even give up the job search. The participation of new generations in political life i...
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Many citizens of Europe have been experiencing unemployment and current labour market has limited job offers (often not matching what potential candidates could offer). Unemployment is nowadays the main challange in Europe that obliges all countries to think of new strategies and resources to be developed if we really want to create a growing economy based on knowledge. The economical crises bur...
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The project is a 9 days non-formal educational training programme in Padova (taly), it includes 27 participants from 9 different countries (Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Portugal, Greece, Germany, Ireland and Romania) and it will take place from the 22nd to the 30th of January 2016. The main target groups are youth-workers, social workers, teachers, etc. who already work or expect to work with...
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Long term coaching training for youth workers - step 2

Date du début: 1 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential (definition by the International Coach federation, Coaching as a method for personal and professional development has become more and more important in different areas of society and a lot of professionals either have a ...
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Improve your social skills, improve your life

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

Mladinska izmenjava "Improve your social skills, improve your life" je potekala od 17. do 27. oktobra 2015 v Izoli. Države, ki so bile vključene v projekt so: Nizozemska, Latvija, Romunija, Turčija in Slovenija. Udeleženci izmenjave so bili mladi, stari med 18 in 30 let. V projekt so bile vključene osebe z invalidnostjo. Projekt je nastal na pobudo udeležencev, ko smo na enem od prejšnjih projekt...
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Le nomadisme digital

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

The project was born with the emergence of digital nomadism: the use of computer technology to carry out a professional online business regardless of where one is located. This innovative practice draws new professional and entrepreneurial perspectives for European youth . It conveys the development of an emerging and promising labor pool. The objective of the partnership is to introduce and train...
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STORM 2.0: Structuring non formal education approach to support social inclusion

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

The project is a 9 days non-formal educational training programme in Latvia, it includes 26 participants from 9 countries, and 2 trainers, 1 tehnical support person. The main target groups are youth-workers, social workers, educators etc. who already work or expect to work in social inclusion area with non-formal educational approaches. Too often non-formal education is confused with spontaneous l...
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Long term coaching training for youth workers - step 1

Date du début: 15 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 14 janv. 2016,

Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential (definition by the International Coach federation, Coaching as a method for personal and professional development has become more and more important in different areas of society and a lot of professionals either have a ...
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Youth in a changing Europe

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

In the project "Youth in a changing Europe" 30 young people from Turkey, Italy, Germany and Ukraine will come together in a 6-day seminar in Berlin to discuss the issues, backgrounds and concerns of youth and protests in Europe with each other and with policy-makers. The participants will work in three groups focusing on democracy, diversity and media. Later, they will discuss the topics with re...
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Ordu'nun Üreticisi, Kadının Girişimcisi - Entrepreneur Women, Producer Ordu

Date du début: 5 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 5 nov. 2015,

According to the researches within the context of United Nations Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring Program, entrepreneurship rate in the world is % 31, while in Europe it is % 23, this rate in Turkey is much lower and it is % 4.6. When it is viewed the number of people who set up companies within 100 adults whom are used in international entrepreneurship index, Turkey has fewer entrepreneurs than...
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Youth unemployment is one of the most relevant challenges in contemporary Europe. Youth transition into an adult autonomous working life has been becoming a longer and complexer issue. Youth employability is directly related to life independence, which plays a central role in other structural social policies, like family policies, for example. All the new documents – Europe 2020 and its flagship –...
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Open to New Horizon

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

Project - seminar Open To New Horizon will be implemented in the period May-October 2015. The main event of the project is 6 day seminar with the participation of 25 people representing 12 partner organizations from Poland, Slovak Republic, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia and Sweden. The seminar will be held on 1-6 July 2015 in Bialy Dunajec. The aim of the project is the exchange of experiences b...
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The Change Makers 2: Sustainable Development through Entrepreneurship Education

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2015,

Looking at the general employment situation of the younger generations reveals a sad truth that youth in our country are greatly stricken with unemployment and their successful integration in the labour market remains a challenge not just for us, but for a vast majority of EU28 and other SEE countries. A significant part of youth remains trapped in temporary, often low-pay jobs from which they fin...
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FREE PaSS : For rediscovering, empowering & enhance the path to soft skills

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015,

Solidarity Tracks organized an 11 day training course in Lefkas Greece for 37 youth leaders and youth workers active in the field of non formal education, coming from 19 youth organizations, from 14 different countries of E.U., eastern Europe and the Caucasus. During this Training course, participants exchanged views and applied methods about developing, following and assessing the soft skills ac...
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The ‚2nd European Youth Conference: Strengthening the Recognition of Non-Formal Education in European Youth Work’ is a follow-up of the ‚1st European Youth Conference: Strenghtening the Recognition of Non-Formal Eduation and Youth Work’, which took place in March 2013 in Cracow. One outcome of this Conference was the lack of a platform for Euroepan Youth Workers to share best practice examples and...
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Youth unemployment is one of the most relevant challenges in contemporary Europe. Youth transition into an adult autonomous working life has been becoming a longer and complexer issue. Youth employability is directly related to life independence, which plays a central role in other structural social policies, like family policies, for example. All the new documents – Europe 2020 and its flagship –...
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Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

Under the framework of our project activity meeting in the end of the work organised in Ankara on 16-21 January 2015 with the participation of 48-1(Italy-VERGARA of participants / CLAUDIO- Although we did not get the air ticket)=47 people (half of the group was disabled), including participants from Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Poland and Turkey and expert, speaker, facilitator and support p...
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SDL and L2L: Where are we? What next?

Date du début: 16 août 2014, Date de fin: 16 févr. 2015,

In the last 5 years Learning to Learn(L2L) and Self-Directed Learning(SDL) became well-known concepts in the Youth in Action programme. With the introduction of Youthpass and the ‘Youthpass process’ the concept of L2L was introduced within almost all activities within the Youth in Action programme. Last but not least ‘learning to learn’ being one of the 8 key-competences in the framework of the Li...
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Fulfilled learning: learning and training form a place of fulfilment and purpose

Date du début: 12 août 2014, Date de fin: 12 févr. 2015,

Educators, trainers and youth workers actively involved in shaping European non-formal education activities are often perceived as "perfect" by the groups they work with. With this perception of perfection comes the expectation that the people in front of the group always know "perfectly" what they are doing and what the outcomes and impact of the methods they use on the group and the individual l...
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In-to-me-see coaching training

Date du début: 5 août 2014, Date de fin: 11 janv. 2015,

Context and background: Coaching is a training or development process via which an individual is supported while achieving a specific personal or professional competence result or goal (source Wikipedia: Coaching as a method for personal and professional development has become more and more important in different areas of society and a lot of professionals...
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This 7- day Training Course which will be held between the 4 - 10 July 2014 (including arrival and departure) targets youth workers/leaders who work with persons with disabilities and/or their families. 8 partners coming from Malta, Latvia, Romania, Turkey, Austria, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Bulgaria are involved in this training course and will be sending 3 participants each. The training co...
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Self-directed learning in practise in formal and non-formal learning environments

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014,

Context and background: Self-directed learning is a process in which the individual learner takes the initiative, with the support of others to diagnose their learning needs, formulate learning goals, identify resources for learning (including the people that can support them in the process), select and implement learning strategies and evaluate learning outcomes. This learner-directed approach i...
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4 Europe

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2014,

The aim of the project is building the European identity among youth groups being on a margin of their own societies, staying usually in closed institutions like reformatories. Young people include in the project (16-21 years old) is a group with dysfunctional social background (alcohol, violence, poverty), also with low social competitions and educational deficiency. This social background cause ...
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TC Creativity

Date du début: 18 juin 2014, Date de fin: 17 sept. 2014,

Project TC Creativity ' is a 7 -day training course on creative thinking , creative problem solving and coping with barriers and obstacles blocking creative potential. The training course takes place in Szczecin it starts on the 13th of July and lasts until 19th of July 2014. Seven partner organisations send three participants each. The organiser - the Polites Association also provides three part...
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Skills for Power

Date du début: 1 mars 2012,

SKILLS FOR POWER – a training course for young people with disabilities representing Programme and Partner countries, which would like to find out what Independent Living is and what kind of possibilities the EU YOUTH IN ACTION programme can give them, where afterwards through developing Independent Living skills based on the Philosophy of Independent Living young disabled people will be able als...
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International Youth Cooperation for Sustainability is a large-scale project which will bring together 60 young people from 6 countries of Europe and Africa. The project aims to raise awareness among young people about sustainable development and respect to our environment as pressing global challenges as well as to promote Euro-African dialogue, exchange and co-operation in the field of youth.Youn...
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Together in a European diversity

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

Together network deals intensively with young people with fewer opportunities and the topic of youth participation for several years. We developed numerous projects in the frame of youth in action, like short-term EVS, youth exchanges and collected a lot of good practices. In 2009, we developed the "Youth Voice" project that brought together 90 young people from all the 27 EU countries with the su...
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Together without borders

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

This project will enable 20 young people from Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Italy and Poland to spend 2 months in the Dominican Republic and take part in a voluntary service for the sake of the local community. The volunteers involved will be young people with fewer opportunities. We will offer this unique opportunity to young people who are coming from difficult social and cultural backgrounds...
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Inclusion EVS in Europe

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

Europejskie Forum M odzie y is planning to implement an seminar, meant to provide a communication platform with the possibility to exchange experiences and to develop new ideas for a number of 25 promoters (32 participants) from different countries in Europe (Poland, France, Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Spain) and to create a product...
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2011 China and EU for world youth

Date du début: 1 août 2011,

This project will enable 30 young people from China, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Italy to spend 2 months in another continent (the hosting places are in Iceland, Poland, Italy, France, Greece and Turkey) and take part in an exceptional voluntary service project. The volunteers involved will be young people with fewer opportunities. We will offer this unique opportunity to young people who are...
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EVS in and for see

Date du début: 1 août 2011,

Youth unemployment is a serious problem. It is even more striking now when the economic crisis increased the unemployment rates in the whole Europe. As a rule, the youth unemployment is more or less double to the general unemployment rate. One of the reasons is lack of practical skills and experience and volunteering can be one of the solutions for this problem. By this.project, Together would lik...
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Back to Roots

Date du début: 1 août 2011,

This exchange will allow 50 young people interested in participative activity, mainly young people with fewer opportunities who have regular contact with the organisation to develop the project with us. Participants will spend 7 days together, participating and interacting with locals in the city of Luxembourg. The thematic of this exchange is the active participation of young people, his identit...
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"Gypsies" in Europe need (to do) more!

Date du début: 1 sept. 2011,

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TC will be implemented by youth organization Akti (applicant and hosting organization) on 10-16 April 2012 in Kosovo, and will bring together 33 participants from 11different partners from different countries from EU and SEE. Some of main objectives of the course are: -Reflecting about concept of citizenship, European Citizenship and European identity- Creating a shared understanding of effective ...
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The project consists in a training course that will be hosted by Roma Active Albania in Durres, Albania on February 3d – 10th, 2012. It will gather 30 participants from 15 countries, aged 18 to 30 years old.The training will have three main fronts:- exploring the concept of culture diversity and the effect that this diversity has in the life of thousand of European citizens;- promotion of intercul...
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