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19 projets européens trouvés

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The project HERCULES-2 is targeting at a fuel-flexible large marine engine, optimally adaptive to its operating environment. The objectives of the HERCULES-2 project are associated to 4 areas of engine integrated R&D:• Improving fuel flexibility for seamless switching between different fuel types, including non-conventional fuels.• Formulating new materials to support high temperature component ap...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Marketing Communication Innovativeness of European Entrepreneurs

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The importance of entrepreneurs is significant for the economic development the European economies and it has been documented in many cases. The development of particular competences are crucial in the preparation and the process of creation. Nevertheless, the existing education of universities provides a limited preparation for these challenges. Entrepreneurs have the chance to differentiate the...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

Mobility project for higher education students and staff within programme countries. This E+ mobility project is a continuum of the previous mobility projects within the previous programmes (LLP, Socrates/Erasmus). There has been steady rise in the mobility numbers through the years, this project had 140 outgoing students and 181 incoming students as well as 6 outgoing and approximately 10 incomin...
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ADaptive Virtual ENterprise ManufacTURing Environment (ADVENTURE)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 31 août 2014,

Virtual factories are a well-established concept although existing solutions have limits:• Scoped at the business level• Provide an isolated view on certain virtual factory aspects• Restricted to simple tasks• Simple extensions to classic ERP and SCM systems• Limited integration from other information sources• Lack of distinction between -internal and cross-company processes• Limited interoperabil...
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The overall objective of RESGen project is to create realistic grounds and practical tools for developing regional energy self sufficiency, and potential innovative regional research-driven clusters across the EU. This objective will be achieved through a Workplan consisting of six WP's, being WP1 project management and coordination. WP2 will intend to boost and increase the understanding of the r...
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Innovative networks of SMEs for complex products manufacturing (Net-Challenge)

Date du début: 1 juin 2009, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2012,

European SMEs will have to adopt new business models and to establish dynamic and non-hierarchical networks to respond to market opportunities, assuring quick response, fast time to market, differentiated offerings and competitive prices. Sustainability for SMEs will be found in high-variety low-volume businesses, related with complex products manufacturing. However, there are currently no proven...
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"It is widely recognised that intellectual assets are major determinants of the generation of innovation and thus in the enhancement of growth, employment and competitiveness of the EU. The importance of R&D and innovation is also explicitly acknowledged in the “Lisbon process”. However, our knowledge of the contribution of intangibles to economic performance is still incomplete. While firms undou...
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Projektet ska skapa en gemensam GIS-baserad plattform för marin planering och integrerad kustzonsförvaltning i Kvarken och ska på detta sätt fördjupa kontakterna mellan planerande myndigheter och organisationer i området. Projektet främjar aktivt gränsöverskridande utbyte av erfarenheter och kunskap i marin planering och gynnar en gemensamt förhöjd kompetens och en gemensam vision över användninge...
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The main purpose of this project is to develop an academically sound concept for furthereducation regarding language acquisition, multilingualism and creative languagelearning that is based on the reformed educational experiences of teachers and thatuses academic and technical innovations in the area of language learning andmultilingualism. The project involves primary and/or secondary schools fro...
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The post secondary not tertiary education focused on vocational programmes (HTE - Higher Technical Education) is an education field very heterogeneous in Europe, composed by several kinds of institution and different training aims. In the HTE European system, at the moment, few quality standards exist. In this context, ExPerO (LdV 2005-2007), was created to develop a theoretical model and a set of...
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Within the frame of TrainSME tools for the assessment of training needs especially for small and micro enterprises have been developed. Selected needs assessment tools are provided as online applications. These tools have been tested in pilot applications. A compendium on the assessment and implementation of vocational training needs in small and micro enterprises has been elaborated. Eleven partn...
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The GEBP network will encourage education, businesses and the community to work together for mutual benefit and will foster closer links between these parties in order to develop long-term co-operation and provide the opportunity for young people to acquire the entrepreneurial skills required for employment.The involved organisations will work together to assemble and build work-related-learning m...
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Clear strategic planning is the most important indicator for innovation anddevelopment processes, for a balanced growth and strengthening thecompany profile. To be able to plan strategically provides a competitiveadvantage to enterprises. It allows not only reacting to market fluctuationsbut to analyse and develop medium and longer term concepts forentering new markets, develop new business models...
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Law and ICT Shared Virtual Campus

Date du début: 1 oct. 2007,

UIT the new economic and trading environments created after the incorporation of new countries to the common market within the European Union, the harmonisation of legal frameworks for electronic commerce and electronic government is essential. The main aims of this project are thus: to create European Shared Virtual Campus on Law and ICT (Law and Information and Communication Technologies), the d...
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Law and ICT Shared Virtual Campus

Date du début: 1 oct. 2007,

UIT the new economic and trading environments created alter the incorporation of new countries to the common market within the European Union, the harmonisation of legal frameworks for electronic commerce and electronic government is essential. This project will target the following actions and results: 1. Creation of an European Shared Virtual Campus on Law and ICT (Law and Information and Commu...
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Many innovative and successful educational projects have been initiated in Europe in the last years, (e.g. The year of intercultural dialogue 2008). Looking back we can say that many of these projects and initiatives were a huge success in terms of dissemination, valorization or sustainability. Europe has invested a lot of effort, time and money in developing them and many could be used as good pr...
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Quality in Research

Date du début: 15 oct. 2011,

The general goal of the project “Researching Quality and Quality in Research – QiR” is to promote the conversion of Western-Balkan Countries research standards with those of the EU member states, i.e. to meet the goals formulated in the Lisbon Convention and to fulfil the aims of the Bologna Process. This is done by various measures, most notably:- The introduction of quality assurance in scientif...
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