Rechercher des projets européens

2 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

A study of the theory and practice of entrepreneurship in the EU countries comprises a large number of surveys. In Russia for nearly 25 years of return to capitalism in the study of the theory and practice of entrepreneurship education only the first steps have been done. The cornerstone of the transfer of knowledge and tools for business development to the new generation of entrepreneurs is to st...
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"Path to Peace: non-formal learning tools for conflict management using outdoor activities" is a 12 days training course hold in Styria, Austria, from the 5th to the 16th of August 2014. 20 youth leaders between 18 and 35 years from 10 countries (Austria, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Ukraine, Palestine, Georgia and Armenia) will meet in the natural countryside of Austria to learn about t...
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