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Development of entrepreneurial culture of the soci..
Development of entrepreneurial culture of the society: European experience and Russian practices
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015,
Date de fin: 31 août 2018
A study of the theory and practice of entrepreneurship in the EU countries comprises a large number of surveys. In Russia for nearly 25 years of return to capitalism in the study of the theory and practice of entrepreneurship education only the first steps have been done. The cornerstone of the transfer of knowledge and tools for business development to the new generation of entrepreneurs is to study the best practices of the partners from the West, the development of public-private partnerships, public support of small business in Russia.In our opinion, enhanced conversance with the European experience and its integration into Russian practice is an effective way of the development of entrepreneurial culture in the society. The project “Development of entrepreneurial culture of the society: European experience and Russian practices” is unique in its own way. First of all, because not only young researchers are involved in its creation but also young people who became entrepreneurs themselves 3-4 years ago and have managed to achieve considerable results in their business, the participants and winners of the contest "Young Entrepreneur of Russia" and the competition of the best youth business projects. Secondly, the entrepreneurs of the first wave who have been working in this business and in the fields of education and science for more than 20 years also make their contribution to the course. Thirdly, the representatives of public organizations, state legislative, executive and supervisory bodies have also taken part in the creation of this course. Fourthly, we generalize the experience of the representatives of classical entrepreneurial theory and business practice in Europe. The project is aimed at both students and young workers (aged 16 to 30 years), and may also be useful to high school students.The authors of the course provide young people with the theory and practice of European businesses, basic principles and mechanisms of entrepreneurship.
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