Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


Utplassering 2016 - 2018

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

The project was to provide apprentices, instructors/teacher and staff at Opplæringskontoret an opportunity to acquire knowledgeand skills abroad. It be culture, higher morale, more pride, respect for other cultures, professional skills, self-development, establishcontacts abroad and motivation to share their knowledge with others, this is some of the skills we what we want them to be left with. Th...
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Utplassering 2015-2017

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The project was to provide apprentices, instructors/teacher and staff at Opplæringskontoret an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills abroad. It be culture, higher morale, more pride, respect for other cultures, professional skills, self-development, establish contacts abroad and motivation to share their knowledge with others, this is some of the skills we what we want them to be left with. ...
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OSS&RM Utveksling 2014

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The background for this application is to help and make shure of that more students end their education with a formell competence, and they can use this has a basic for higher educatin. In our program Sales and service, restaurant and food subject, there are to many students that dosent see the straight way and they are very unsure about the future and what to do. To give these students a better b...
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