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8 projets européens trouvés

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Seminar Economics of the European Union (EU) and EU-Ukraine relations 2015/16

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

The Seminar "European Union Economics and the future of EU-Ukraine relations 2015/16” will be held for students of 3 leading Universities in Odessa and civil servants of Odessa Regional State Administration.To promote exelence in the teaching methodology and to motivate learning and research in EU studies the Seminar was developed tailor-made for Ukraine students.Objectives :Teach to use One-Dr...
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The OrientGate project will foster concerted and coordinated climate adaptation actions across the SEE region. The project will explore climate risks faced by coastal, rural and urban communities; contribute to a better understanding of the impact of climate variability and change on water regimes, forests and agro-ecosystems; and analyse specific adaptation needs in the hydroelectricity, agro-ali...
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(1) The project origin arises from the ARGE DONAULANDER - Working Group of spatial planning (ARGE) where since 1993 the idea of the Concept of the cooperation of the Danube regions, cities and ports was permanently developed. Up to now the common methodological model was elaborated and approved by the ARGE members. (2) The model consist of Three phases. Each phase is divided into four sectoral gen...
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The project idea comes from the visual observation of roofs in some Greek and Austrian cities, which show a lot of solar DHW collectors while the roofs of similar cities in Italy and Bulgaria show very few. The 7th EurObserv'ER report confirmed that efforts made by SEE countries for development of Thermal Solar were successful in limited number of them and considerable disparities between them app...
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The La MANCHE project is implemented by a consortium of 6 EU partners (from 5 countries) and 23 HEIs from 5 Partner Countries (PCs). The project’s overall objective is to promote the modernization of PCs’ higher education (HE) by building governance and management capacities at PC HEIs and initiating sustainable dialogue on HE reforms among relevant interest groups. Specific objectives are:- to ma...
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ATHENA will contribute to the modernisation of HE systems in the Eastern Neighbouring Partner Countries of Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia by improving framework conditions for HEIs. Its general objective is to enhance institutional and financial autonomy and accountability, and thus the capacity, of HEIs. ATHENA, a structural measure, adopts an inclusive approach: involving HEIs, national public aut...
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The Wider Objectives of the project are: to ensure that the targeted Universities in RU, UA and IL can offer new two cycle curricula in the field of E-Commerce to serve Information Society in line with the new development in the area, the market demand and according to the Bologna Process, last recommendations in Leuven communiqué and best practice. The Specific Project Objectives are: to analys...
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Das Projekt "WeNeT" soll die Reform- und Umstrukturierungsprozesse an den belarussischen, georgischen und ukrainischen Partnerhochschulen unterstützen, ihre Integration in den gesamteuropäischen Bildungsraum fördern und dem Ausbau und der Intensivierung der Bildungskooperation auf dem Tourismusgebiet zwischen der EU und den östlichen Nachbarstaaten dienen. Darüber hinaus soll im Projektverlauf das...
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