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5 projets européens trouvés

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Inspiring Guide for Learn to Learn

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2018,

The aim of the project is to improve Learning to Learn (L2L) abilities of adult learners.Target group: adult learners who have problems with learning skills (migrants, adult returners to learning, young adults in VET, prisoners and similar). The aim of the project is to assist adult learners to develop Learn to Learn competences and become more effective learners. The practice of adult teaching an...
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Andragogų meistriškumo tobulinimas - suaugusiųjų mokymosi kokybei didinti

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

Goal of the project - increasing quality of adult learning in consortium institutions by developing andragogical competences of the staff. In 2014 Lithuanian Association of Adult Education renewed it's strategy. We identified areas where our members need developing the competences of the staff mostly (according the classification of Buiskool B., Broek S.D., van Lakerveld J.A., Zafiris G.K., Osborn...
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Whilst it is increasingly important to recognise the experience that adults gain in both their professional and personal lives, there is little evidence of the validation, recognition and accreditation of such learning within formal education circles. The REACTION project aimed to address this through gathering information on, and identifiying common principles for, the recognition and accreditati...
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The practice of identifying, evaluating and recognising informally acquired skills involvesnumerous methodological challenges, which are generally given scant consideration.Nonetheless, experience shows that they play an important role for both providers andcustomers, be they individual participants or institutional recipients. The very disparatelevels of development in Europe are not an obstacle ...
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Some parents find it difficult to raise their children in the current difficult social andeconomic situation in Europe. Parenthood has become not only a family concern butalso a societal issue to be tackled by public, family and social policies. The institutionalsolutions proposed to help parents have shown their limitations. However, grass-rootsactions with parents, often conducted informally, th...
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