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8 projets européens trouvés

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Youth Work HD

Date du début: 24 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 23 oct. 2018,

Strategic partnership Youth Work HD will give an answer to the needs of youth workers that aren't covered at the moment in the countries involved in project, but also in most European countries. Partners of this consortium are working on solving many open European questions - from digital literacy, youth unemployment and digital innovation to standardization of youth work. We have recognized gener...
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According to the Digital Agenda for Europe one of the action areas is the sustainable healthcare and ICT-based support for dignified and independent living. The Digital Agenda for Lithuania (2014-2020) states currently a lack of modern health-related electronic services and ICT products in Lithuania and importance to introduce ICT in the national healthcare system. Most educational institutions in...
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The 36-month PaaSport project focuses on resolving the application portability issues that exist in the Cloud PaaS market through a flexible and efficient deployment and migration approach. To this end, PaaSport will combine Cloud PaaS technologies with lightweight semantics in order to specify and deliver a thin, non-intrusive Cloud-broker (in the form of a Cloud PaaS Marketplace), to implement t...
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Generation 0101

Date du début: 8 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 7 nov. 2016,

Youth unemployment is a growing problem in Europe today. At the same time, the need arises of placing stronger emphasis on the development and recognition of ICT skills in order for people all over Europe to become better educated and more competitive in the job market. Project Generation 0101, implemented through partnership of seven organizations from six countries – Turkey, Italy, Lithuania, La...
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“Introducing Online collaboration methods and tools in education”

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2016,

Introducing Online collaboration methods and tools in education (Online4EDU) project addresses the education and labor market needs of teachers in primary and secondary schools, VET specialists and e-Facilitators working at telecentres, libraries and adult education centers. The project will design, develop and implement an up-to-date curriculum, training materials, blended learning environment...
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Description How digital competence development brings better care servicesThe Carer+ project identified the ICT competences of care workers and informal carers (the “Digital Competence Framework”) and developed these by designing and implementing a set of learning paths and educational resources for mobile and work-based learning that res...
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One of the general competences of the employees is the ability to safely use computers and the Internet (i2010 Strategy). This is especially important for educational institutions employees/trainers the knowledge of them not only could be applied in their work but transfered it to their students. Under the Safer Internet Programme (2009-2013, Decision No 1351/2008/EC of the European Parliament), t...
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It was intended to "raise awareness of the contribution that older people make to society, and strengthening solidarity between generations".Nevertheless, the achievement of these aims, also requires specific programs and above all, specialized facilitators. This project is about training eFacilitators already active in the social field in intergenerational skills, to become the key actors and fac...
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