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2 projets européens trouvés

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Vellíðan - víðsýni - þekking - þróun

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 1 sept. 2016,

Klettaskóli is an Icelandic school tailored to children with special needs. Klettaskóli runs a participation class in a traditional elementary school and has a consultant role nation-wide. The school’s consultants are also all professionals at the school, teachers, þroskaþjálfar, kindergarten teachers and uppeldisfræðingar. There are ten class departments with 109 students and around 80 skilled pr...
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’Mozgásjavító’ Kindergarten, Elementary, Secondary School, Unified Special Education Methodology Centre and Students’ Residence is a multi-functional school with the main aim to help students to get the highest level of independence by the co-operation of the institutional units providing independent, self-determined life and social integration. The principle of Mozgásjavító is to raise public awe...
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