Rechercher des projets européens

Vellíðan - víðsýni - þekking - þróun
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 1 sept. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Klettaskóli is an Icelandic school tailored to children with special needs. Klettaskóli runs a participation class in a traditional elementary school and has a consultant role nation-wide. The school’s consultants are also all professionals at the school, teachers, þroskaþjálfar, kindergarten teachers and uppeldisfræðingar. There are ten class departments with 109 students and around 80 skilled professionals (as well as instructors) work at the school. It is extremely important for the school to observe improvements and developments in teaching as well as teaching methods for students with special needs. All professionals that are in charge of the classes have the responsibility to control in the class departments. They control teaching, create individual curriculums and tailor teaching material to individual students. They are required to introduce themselves to different ways/methods of teaching that are suitable for a diverse group of students. Furthermore, they are required to stay on top of the newest developments within special education both domestically as well as internationally so that they can excellently execute their role as consultants for the school. A more open society, the increasing count of Icelanders and the globalization of recent years all require increasing knowledge of the school’s employees for cultural differences and different perspectives, for example when it comes to cooperating with parents. The school’s methodology is that each and every student is served where he/she stands in relation to maturity and education. In order for that to be possible, it is, therefore, important for the school to be constantly seeking the best and most fitting methods and actions. The school urgently encourages its employees to deepen their knowledge on diverse teaching methods so that they will become better competent in meeting diverse requirements from different kind of student groups. Moreover, they will then be able to contribute and pay forward their knowledge and get the opportunity to visit and observe educational methods of similar schools in Europe.



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