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16 projets européens trouvés

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An innovative toolkit for inclusive decision making policies

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

There is a lot of evidence to support the claim that disadvantaged groups tend to have lower educational attainment, lower participation in early childhood education and lower performance in international assessments. The project iDecide proposes an innovative, forward-looking project, with the aim to support policy makers, school leaders and educators on how to develop inclusive policies and prac...
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Tackling School Discipline Issues with Positive Behavior Support

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

The need to create effective and inclusive European schoolwide frameworks that promote social inclusion and academic engagement has been at the centre of several European policy reports. With the huge influx of migrants and refugees in European societies and school, inclusion becomes of paramount importance.The success of schools as effective learning environments rests in part on establishing a s...
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Empowering Literacy in Adolescents through Creative Engagement with Comics

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

International studies showed that EU students do not perform well in science, math and literacy skills (PISA, TIMMS, OECD). One of the specific priorities of the school education program is to address the low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods and in particular through projects that foster interdisciplinary approaches and the integration of teaching basic skills su...
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Developing Innovative Didactics for Workplace Training

Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 mars 2018,

As a concept, workplace learning incorporates a diverse set of scenarios and practices some of which are more regulated and controlled than others. While apprenticeships are generally very structured programmes with clear learning milestones that can be measured and assessed other popular models like internships, job shadowing and service-learning voluntary work offer less in the degree of certain...
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Making Learning Science Fun

Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2017,

The aim of the project is to address the challenge of engagement in science as described in through an innovative approach to science teaching and learning and make learning science Fun and Relevant to students’ contexts. The project aims to increase pupils’ motivation and achievement in science and other subjects and to prepare European educators to better engage pupils in science education. The ...
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Supporting the Transition from Education to Employment of youth at Risk

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

The role of youth work and non-formal and informal learning to counteracting the effects of youth unemployment and NEETs has been emphasized in numerous EU policy documents. In addition there is evidence that youth work can help in unlocking the potential of young people and develop their life management and social skills thus aiding their integration into the labour market.In this context, the S...
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Lifelong Readers 2.0

Date du début: 1 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

A lifelong learner is first and foremost a lifelong reader. The project dispels the widespread notion (especially amongst parents and educators) that technology is the enemy of reading. LiRe2.0 is based on the opposite assumption: Innovative use of ICT-based, open educational practices and resources that link up informal, non-formal and formal reading/learning, can play a significant role in enhan...
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Identity and Diversity Picture Book Collections

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

IDPBC is a transnational effort to compile international picture book collections, approaches and activities that address three issues of great importance to contemporary students and teachers across the globe: Inclusion, Diversity and Identity. Picture books have been proved to be extremely valuable educational tools, bringing multiple learning benefits to diverse groups of learners. Educationali...
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Online Game for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Millions of users around the world are gaming regularly. Even though online gaming was primarily designed for entertainment and profit, quite recently it moved beyond private industry and turned into a research field in educational, training and learning disciplines. Gaming is based on interaction, collaboration, active and dynamic learning and an informal educational process that is invaluable. S...
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In the current times of economic turbulence and market shortcoming, where the majority of EU citizens are struggling to manage the financial challenges they face, a real life need for the development of their financial literacy competencies has been identified. These would allow people to understand the mechanics of the economy and the market, how to deal with daily financial issues, and protect t...
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Family Training to Support their Marginalized and Disadvantaged Members

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

FamilEU envisions developing a digital training toolkit for adult trainers and professionals who already work in the areas of family care for many years. The aim of the FamilEU is to equip the social workers and other relevant practitioners in areas of social welfare, provide training to family member, in order in their turn to provide a peer to peer support to members of their families who are ...
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Boys Reading

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Engaged readers have a much greater chance of staying in school, expanding career and life options, and maturing into self-actualized adults” (Brozo, 2010). The BoysLit project aims to make reading an integral part in the life of boys aged 10-15, who are currently unenthusiastic about books. BoysReading asserts that this can only be achieved if teenage boys acquire control over their reading and c...
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Alphabets of Europe

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013,

The AlphaEU project focuses on the Key Activity 2 priority: “Promoting early language education.” It aims to promote the acquisition of multilingual awareness and language skills of pre-schoolers in various European countries, by developing, piloting, and implementing digital alphabet books and alphabet-related games and interactive activities. Targeted alphabets/languages include: English, German...
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Science Fiction in Education

Date du début: 1 nov. 2012,

The SciFi-Ed project aims1. To increase pupils’ motivation and achievement in science and other subjects, through the introduction of Science Fiction in education.2. To enhance the quality of teaching Science and Technology, as well as an array of other subjects to children aged between 9-15 years old. 3. To connect science education with real-life issues such as the environment.4. To provide gir...
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A lifelong learner is first and foremost a lifelong reader. Lifelong Readers (LiRe) aims to provide school librarians, teachers, and administrators with guidance and tools for encouraging children of ages 6-12 to develop lifelong reading habits. The low level of young Europeans' literacy skills has been repeatedly documented, while EU bodies constantly stress the need for improvement. The EU empha...
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Partner organizations include CARDET (Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology), the Open University UK, the University of Piraeus, the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, the International Council for Educational Media, and INNOVADE LI Ltd.To achieve the goals of this project, the partners transferred innovation on lifelong learning and on preparing teachers to t...
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