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2 projets européens trouvés

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Coloured by the Sun, United by the Sea

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Context: The project “Coloured by the Sun, United by the Sea” aims to tackle delicate issues of racism, tolerance and successful integration of different peoples and cultures. Setting aside politics and existing prejudices, the planned activities will help children to open their minds and hearts to social integration and acceptance. “Coloured by the Sun, United by the Sea” – no matter what colour...
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Project background :With the changes in the regional labour markets into a European labour market the requirements at our school have changed. Our school should and wants to prepare our students for Europe and for the European labour market. That is why the teachers‘ intercultural and project management skills have to be significantly improved.Intercultural skills are a multidisciplinary competenc...
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