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6 projets européens trouvés

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Project in brief Fishing economy still plays an important socioeconomic role for the whole Mediterranean region, although the fishery sector is experiencing a period of severe crisis due to the increase in production costs (fuel for instance) and the reduction in fishing stocks. This condition is causing increasing occupational migration with an estimated decrease in the number of fishermen by 4-5...
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The consortium of SMEs in the AQUAFARMCONTROL project will pursue a large innovation and market opportunity through the development and demonstration of an innovative system to enable Precision Livestock Farming in marine aquaculture and to effectively eliminate the mounting and critical problem of escapes from fish pens. The system will be based on a multi-purpose capsule implanted in fish, in co...
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Date du début: 25 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2014,

Projemizi yürüteceğimiz Saroz Körfezi, Trakya'nın güzide şehirlerinden biri olan Edirne'nin Ege Kıyılarında yer almaktadır. 144 balık türü, 78 deniz bitkisi ve 34 sünger türüne ev sahipliği yapan Saroz Körfezi 2010 yılının Aralık ayında Özel Çevre Koruma alanı olarak ilan edilmiştir. Saroz Körfezi içinde bulundurduğu deniz ürünleri ve deniz bitkileri açısından doğal bir akvaryum olarak kabul edilm...
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The project aim is to consolidate and develop the exchange of food products from Italian-Tunisian integrated sectors using a distinctive quality label called QUALIMED for the international markets. This quality label will be focused on the harmonization of Tunisian and EU regulations on quality standards, food safety and tracking from primary production up to commercialization. ...
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Date du début: 1 déc. 2007,

We are the youth centre from small town in Slovenia. We are active in field of international work, so now we would like to apply and carry out first training course which will connect Mediterranean and European countires. Hooray!What we did was to foster the idea of youth-exchanges making with Meda countires as a lot of organisations are still not ready (at least think so) to do such a project. So...
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||)) ||\\|| //\\ Development of New Art || Continuum 2011 - 2013 is a project of the 8 European cultural NGO: New Web (Czech Republic), Entré Scenen (Denmark), Schloss Bröllin (Germany), L1 (Hungary), Fish Eye artistic association (Lithuania), Chorea theatre association (Poland), A4 (Slovakia), Glej Theatre (Slovenia).Long term project mission is to support talented emerging artists, their cre...
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