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33 projets européens trouvés

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Vocational Education and Training in the Working World 4.0

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

The project “Vocational Education and Training in the Working World 4.0” wants to promote work-based learning in the sectors electronics and mechatronics with special regard to the existing and future challenges of working world 4.0. in the European vocational education and training. The project wants to provide and improve the open and innovative education in the field of working world 4.0., embe...
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“TRAM-WBL Engaging SMEs for Quality Transnational WBL experiences”

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

WBL is proving to be a successful model to improve the learners’ employability, which is especially relevant at this time in EU with a dramatically high number of unemployed youths. Different sectors and stakeholders are demanding a more labour-market-oriented VET education combining practical and theoretical learning in order to qualify skilled workers in a practical way and better prepare them f...
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Alter et go!

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

This project, lead by our whole association, consists of four differents sub-projects. The 1st sub-project is intended for apprentices in catering.We offer them the opportunity to attend a three weeks’ mobility in Albi (France)in order to discover the distinctive feature of the regional cuisine through one week courses at the training center and two weeks in local restaurants. The aim for the par...
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European Excellence

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

The last 15 years Aventus invested much into sustainable relations with European partners. Reciprocal projects and knowledge exchange especially concerned:- Improvement of the quality of preparation and tutoring of international work placements by both Aventus and the foreign training companies.- Building up (formal) European networks of partners designing policies as to contents and validation of...
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International Trade Mobility for You

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

This project was born within the context of the sending organization development plans and internationalization strategy (with over 20 years of investment/activity in R&D and Innovation, Cooperation and Partnership national and international projects) as well as a result of the specific needs of the project direct beneficiaries.The project involves 70 participants, trainees from an International T...
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S.TR.E.A.M. Skills TRansfer for Electronics Administration and Mechanics

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

The project originates from a careful analysis and discussion among Consortium members on the most recent developments and trends characterizing the manufacturing sector of the Veneto Region (mechanical, electromechanical and mechatronics) and affecting training and educational needs and provisions. Key Enabling Technologies such as advanced materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology are increasingl...
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The project originates from a careful analysis of the most recent developments and trends characterizing two of the leading sectors of regional economy: Tourism/Hospitality and Agriculture/Biotechnology. Discussions among teachers on issues concerning emerging new job profiles, new forms of work organization which affect training and educational needs and provision represent the main rationale of...
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Our project combines the development of an effective methodology to identify young people at risk of being NEET, an innovative intervention drawing on existing good practice piloted in PT, IT and ES to prevent young people with such characteristics from becoming NEET, and an impact analysis to measure the outcomes of these pilots at regional/national level. In combining these three elements, this ...
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Date du début: 31 août 2015, Date de fin: 30 août 2017,

Mobility project conducted by the CES Y FP 1º de Mayo (Fundación José María de Llanos). This school of Secondary Education and Vocational Training is located in the neighborhood of Entrevías-El pozo del tío Raimundo (Madrid ), one of the most depressed areas of the city . The project targets 14 students of Vocational Training from 4 professional profiles present in our center: - Electromechanical ...
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Den Beruflichen Schulen Kehl kommt durch ihre geographische Randlage im Dreiländereck an der Grenze zu Frankreich ein besonderer kultureller Auftrag zu. Mit dem Eintritt ins Berufsleben werden die Auszubildenden nicht nur den berufsfachlichen Anforderungen gegenüber gestellt, sondern auch Aufgaben, die sich aus der Grenzregion ergeben. Die Auszubildenden sind mit französischer Kundschaft, franzö...
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Flexible European Lerning Pathways

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The project Erasmus+ KA1 -project "Flexible European Learning Pathways" will be carried out 2015-2016. It is coordinated by Kouvola Region Vocational College. Partners come froam Germany, Spain, UK, the Netherlands, Malta, Italy and Croatia. During the project 65 students and trainees of Kouvola Region Vocational College will carry out a work placement period in another EU country. 30 teachers, tr...
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European Professionalization Networks

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The last 10 years Aventus invested much into knowledge exchange with European partners. This knowledge exchange especially concerned: - Improvement of the quality of preparation and tutoring of international work placements - Policy as to contents and validation of international work placements - Structure and design of courses and innovative projects - Monitoring of the learning process by studen...
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Move on!

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The European Agency for Vocational Education and Training, Cologne Government Regional Office (EUGES), wants to motivate and support further vocational colleges in the Cologne region to provide Europwide mobilities for their VET students. Moreover, the EUGES motivates the VET colleges to develop a concept of Europeanisation/ internationalization respectively to strengthen the existing ones. Altoge...
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ROC van Amsterdam International Way Integrated

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

ROC van Amsterdam is one of the largest Regional Education Centres in the Netherlands is based in the international Amsterdam area including Schiphol Airport, The Port of Amsterdam, headquarters of international companies and creative industry. ROC van Amsterdam has students and staff of about 150 different nationalities. Over 50% of the students have a non Dutch background. These facts explain th...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

In the years until 2020, the EU youth generation will diminish from 90 to 81 million. This will have a profound impact on education, the economy and society in the future. Technological changes will be even more pervasive and global competition will increase, not least the competition for talented people. Thus, there is an urgent need to strengthen policies to make EU ready for this competition an...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

In a world within an increasingly demanding and competitive labour market, we see the need of giving our vocational training students the best possible preparation. Furthermore acceding to aids of this sort is essential for students with economic difficulties and thereby having few chances to develop their professional and linguistic abilities abroad. Our VET mobility project to carry out the trai...
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Uusi teknologia nonformaalin oppimisen tukena

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

The project combines three moblitys project of Kouvola Region Vocational College (KSAO): students' mobility, teachers' vetpro and vetpro of KSAO Adult Education Centre. in The frames of the project 69 students will have 4-6 weeks' work-placement period abroad and 30 members of staff will have a job-shadowing period or exchange period abroad. Students form initial and adult education and training c...
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De l'or dans les mains

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

This project is composed of two different sub-projects, both divided in three mobility flows. The first sub-project, dedicated to our trainees in masonry (apprenticeship and master craftsperson), concerned two mobility flows, one in 2015 and another in 2016. A second sub-project for trainees in jewelry (master craftsperson) with one mobility flow in 2016. Masonry: Trainees had the opportunity to...
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European Profiles

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

It is time for implementation of ECVET. Aventus is ready for this and by participating in European Profiles Aventus’ students who distinguish themselves by making the choice of having a traineeship with one of Aventus’ European partners will benefit from this new step by Aventus. The past 10 years Aventus has positioned and structured international traineeships solidly. First Aventus introduced an...
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Berufliche Schulen Kehl (BSK), a vocational school compound in Kehl, are assigned to a particular cultural engagement due to the geographical location at the border to France, neighboring the metropolitan area of Strasbourg. Entering professional life our trainees and apprentices have to face up to both specific professional requirement and challenges resulting from the vicinity to the French–Germ...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

In a world within an increasingly demanding and competitive labour market, we see the need of giving our vocational training students the best possible preparation. Thus acceding to aids of this sort is essential for students with economic difficulties and thereby having few chances to develop their professional and linguistic abilities abroad. Our VET mobility project to carry out the training pe...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

The Regional Centre for Innovation and Training (CRIF) ?Las Acacias? is a public sector body for in-service teacher training dependent on the Regional Board of Education, Youth and Sport of the Community of Madrid. Among other activities, such as courses and seminars, our training activities annually include temporary internships in companies within our Autonomous Community. With the inclusion of ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

Mobility project conducted by the CES Y FP 1º de Mayo (Fundación José María de Llanos). This school of Secondary Education and Vocational Training is located in the neighborhood of Entrevías-El pozo del tío Raimundo (Madrid ), one of the most depressed areas of the city . The project targets 14 students of Vocational Training from 4 professional profiles present in our center: - Electromechanical ...
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While there is general agreement about the fact that the recognition of non-formal and informal learning may be beneficial for all levels of the adult population, many countries are examining the possibility of using this approach to deal with the problems faced by certain groups, especially vulnerable to professional or social exclusion. Migrants are the focus of special attention in this area of...
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Today’s automotive sector is characterized by steadily ongoing workprocess innovations, by the development of global delivery networks, andby increasing competition. This yields a lot of requirements for theemployees in terms of flexibility to cover the needs of this ever-changingworld of work, or, in other words, the ability to cope with complex workrequirements which can only be determined prope...
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The purpose of the A.R.G.O. project is to set minimum competency standards for the job of "higher technician in integrated tourism marketing and organisation". The aim is to establish and test accreditation models for skills acquired via informal or non-formal channels; tools enabling users to assess and enhance their own skills; and tools enabling vocational training specialists to assess and acc...
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Mass customisation is no oxymoron : The project has set out the key skills and a professional profile for mass customisation strategists. This has led to the development of a training programme which will supply SMEs with much needed expertise in this area. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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In the EU there is a longstanding tradition in support of learning mobility by means of different programmes. Since 1992, the EC has grant-aided transnational mobility for young people. The LLP defines a 2009-2011 priority as expanding learning mobility in EU and worldwide. Despite these persistent efforts the overall percentage of young people which actually engages in transnational mobility acti...
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At this moment we notice not much, but the predictions for the nearby future are that there will be a lot of mobility on the labour market. On the one hand because a large group of workers will retire and on the other hand because less youngsters will enter the labour market. The demand for workers has declined the past few years because of the economic recession, but within the next years, there ...
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Whereas the LLP and EQF promote a unified approach to education and training in EU integrating VET and HE, two credit systems will soon coexist when ECVET will be officially implemented by the MS. The need to address a comprehensive area of education and training in EU was also stressed in the Recommendation on ECVET which suggests to “facilitate the compatibility and comparability between credit ...
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Description:SESAMO project exploited the results of previous Leonardo da Vinci projects and ECVET indications in order to reach two specific aims:contributing to the transparency of the VET systems by enabling other Partner countries to employ the established linkscontributing to the mutual recognition of the vocational learning outcomes reached in mobility contexts (BEATRIC and ECVET). The method...
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The inducement for this project is the realization that student mobility lags behind for the fashion and textile sector in education. This is due to the fact that this sector is a rather small branch. The ongoing mobility of students in this sector is based on a few semi-private contacts within VET schools at the moment, which do not fulfil the full range of necessary mobility partners. This illus...
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The mobility of VET students is important to open their mind for the European labour market as a whole and to increase their chances for future qualified employment. However, the different VET systems with their country-specific rules and ideas as well as the lack of transparency and comparability that complicates the recognition and validation are still big obstacles for VET students` mobilities....
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