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2 projets européens trouvés

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Invatamantul profesional - succesul tranzitiei de la scoala la locul de munca

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

To be in accordance with the objectives of Europe 2020 concerning the assurance of a durable and favourable inclusion by promoting an economy with a high rate of employment, our country has to develop its professional education. This system by its particularities, by the concern it has for the business agent and by its implication in the process of professional training, especially through Curric...
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Although VET is considered to be the development engine of a country, nowadays, in our country, this faces issues related to financing, the reluctance of economic agents as well as parents and students. According to the statistics from GORJ COUNTY SCHOOL INSPECTORATE, 80% of the students who drop out school come from VET, the rate of admission at the baccalaureate exam in these high schools is und...
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