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Invatamantul profesional - succesul tranzitiei de la scoala la locul de munca
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

To be in accordance with the objectives of Europe 2020 concerning the assurance of a durable and favourable inclusion by promoting an economy with a high rate of employment, our country has to develop its professional education. This system by its particularities, by the concern it has for the business agent and by its implication in the process of professional training, especially through Curriculum for Local Development, provide the youngsters with a quick insertion on the labour market. According to the statistics of the Gorj County School Inspectorate, at the level of the county only 5% of the students is integrated in this type of education and the number of the business agents which signed partnerships in order to be involved in the training process of students is under 1% according to the statistics of the Gorj County Employment Agency.The rate of young people who don’t have any job and who are not enrolled in any type of training is about 23%, much higher than the European rate. Also, according to the research made in Gorj, only about 20% from the students in the technological education had this type of education as their first option, the others being redistributed from other specializations, especially theoretical ones. This happens, even if most of the technological education institutions have struggled a great deal to improve their educational offer, accrediting new specialization, according to the trends of the local and regional labour market. The reluctance of the small business agents justified by the instability of the legislation system in the field, but also by some restrictive conditions, have made their implication in school partnerships to be very reduced, even if, there is, for more than a year, at the level of the county a commission that gathers together representatives of the County Council of Gorj, local councils, Gorj County School Inspectorate, and representatives of CNDIPT.The present project aims at taking advantage of an opportunity identified at the level of our county, along with continuing the economic activity of a business agent and the establishment of a new one, which require qualified labour in a field in which our country was worldwide leader industrial chemistry.According to the predictive documents of our institution correlated with the strategic documents for developing at the regional and European level, the project aims at reaching the following objectives:-assuring the conditions for students’ personal and professional development-assuring the conditions of development and information of the training staff-adapting the school offer to the requirements of the Romanian and European labour forceAt the end of the project, among the obtained results, by the power of example, we would like our high school to become the main provider of professional training for professional education. To reach the intended objectives, taking into account that the VET specializations involve the beneficial interfaces, of the business agents in establishing the Curriculum for local development, and the level of the skills acquired, the project was designed to be developed over two years for the following specializations:- electric – Technician in electric equipment –11th grade- industrial chemistry – Chemistry lab technician –10th grade and Operator in producing and preparing polymers –10th gradebut also to provide training for 6 teachers from the Technological department in the form of job shadowing.The practical training stages from the two specializations will be organised annually, in two fluxes with a length of three weeks, at the PT partners.-Year 1 May 2016 F1- 10 students – Technician in Electric Equipment June 2016 F2 -10 students – Chemistry Lab Tech. -Year 2 – May 2017 F1 – 10 students – Technician in Electric Equipment - June 2017 F2 – 10 students – Operator in Producing and Preparing PolymersThe training of the participant teachers will be made annually, in two fluxes with a length of two weeks in the form of job shadowing activities at the partner high school:-Year 1 May 2016 – F1 2 eng. teachers June F2 2 eng. teachers-Year 2 May 2017 – F3 2 eng. teachersThe content of the study programme was established by the Technological department and the representatives of the Portuguese partners, so that to be correlated to the Professional Training Standards and the school syllabus, by writing and signing a Mou and LA.The expected impact on students, teachers and business partners:-reducing by 20% the school dropout of students with little or no financial resources, who come from rural areas, or from single-parent families, from the generation of students “Home Alone”, with one or both parents leaving to work abroad;-increasing by 5% the admission rate at the baccalaureate exam;-increasing by 100% the number of students enrolled in professional education;- increasing by 20% the professional insertion ;



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