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14 projets européens trouvés

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Our establishment is located in the heart of the Monts d'Arrée in the country's West Central Brittany, a rural area that has many advantages for the environment, however, it is recognized by Europe as a territory classified to Revitalize Rural Areas . Our location is both a plus because we are in the middle of a forest enables us to develop our forest formations and agricultural zones oriented far...
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Communiquer pour vivre l'Europe à l'école Ste Anne - St Joseph

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Our projet "Communicate to live Europe at Ste Anne - St Joseph school" relates to a large Breton elementary school in the outskirts of Rennes (535 pupils, 20 classes) from “maternelle primaire” age 3-11 years). The school offers a happy learning environment. Our dynamic teaching team, offers a desire to share, to exchange its knowledge and to develop communication to continue to evolve its teach...
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Tous européens, pour mieux s'intégrer demain !

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Pupils receive a professional training in our vocational school as part of their curriculum. But our wish is now to open up to Europe. We want drop-out students and those who have learning difficulties to take advantage of European projects. The objectives of European mobility are various. We hope this will motivate pupils with learning difficulties, favor transdisciplinarity as well as allow a f...
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Embracing Europe

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Over the last 12 months, we formed a group on the E-Twinning platform, of like-minded teachers interested in creating a project based on European Citizenship. Through working together as 7 countries we aim to promote knowledge of citizens' rights and responsibilities; promote knowledge of social, political and civic institutions; develop the ability of students to engage in critical and independen...
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Valoriser l'Autonomie, les Langues, Localement et dans l'Espace Européen 3

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

Vallée 3 is group project for vocational mobility organized at regional level in the Academy of Grenoble for vocational trainees. The acronym VALLEE 3, meaning Enhancing Autonomy, Language skills Locally and in Europe, well describes the geographical situation of the academy of Grenoble, being located in the middle of mountains where “Vallée” is a passage to somewhere else. The project gathers 21 ...
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Our School is located in the heart of the Monts d' Arrée in Brittany Centre therefore in an area that boasts exceptional environmental benefits but who has undeniable economic handicaps : agriculture and food industry subject to global competition. Our location is both an asset and a challenge because the distance from centers of decision make that we must be " combative " and " inventive" perman...
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This project about teaching English in an interdisciplinary context comes from a question I often ask myself: namely, how to bind multiple subjects to make teaching more practical and inspiring? The school teachers’ job is above all a versatile craft: they get to teach all subjects in primary schools. Therefore, they have the capacity to link disciplines together around a common theme. St. Joseph ...
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MOVIL'APP mobilité européenne et apprentissage

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

Apprenticeships A European priority... To combat youth unemployment and to increase the quality and supply of apprenticeships opportunities across Europe, the European Commission launched in July 2013 the "European Alliance for Apprenticeships". The goal is to secure commitment of stakeholders (public authorities, companies, CCIs and social partners) through concrete pledges to achieving the goals...
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Apprentissage précoce d'une langue étrangère

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

The birth of this project started when we reviewed the poor results achievements of ours students at the CECRL A1exam (ie : 25%). This drove us to the conclusion in revisiting our relation to teaching a foreign language. Since three years we are reviewing many written educators references , globally, they promote early age foreign language learning. As a conclusion, we developed English teaching ...
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European IC manufacturers are on the way to become suppliers of customized products for OEM companies, which means high flexibility and product diversity. The project aims at conducting research to support the development of new manufacturing procedures, new organizations and new information and control tools to enable IC production lines to efficiently manage a high product and technology mix and...
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SEMSEM est un projet structurel régional qui concerne 25 partenaires de 7 pays : Algérie, Liban, Maroc, Tunisie, Espagne, Italie et France. Le coordinateur, Université Montpellier 2, s'appuie sur 4 ministères (MESR), 10 universités pilotes du Sud : pour chaque pays, une ou deux universités «marraines » partenaires , ayant déjà une structure pour les stages, et une université « filleule » peu rompu...
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Le projet propose de mettre en place dans chaque université partenaire des pays tiers un dispositif d'aide à l'orientation professionnelle de ses étudiants. Deux actions principales sont envisagées :- Elaboration et mise en ligne d'un site web propre à chaque université et dédié à la présentation de son offre de formation et à ses débouchés-métiers. 2 domaines académiques seront visés, les scienc...
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DEFI-Averroès est un programme structurel régional qui concerne 7 pays : Algérie, Liban, Maroc, Tunisie, Espagne, Belgique et France. Le coordinateur, Université Montpellier 2, s'appuie sur les réseaux d'écoles d'ingénieurs Polytech et CODIGE. Le partenariat comprend 4 ministères (MESR), 13 universités, et 8 acteurs représentatifs du monde socio-économique. Il recouvre en partie le périmètre du c...
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The transfer innovation found its origin in a previous project contemplated within the framework of P.O.N. ESF System Action “Intervention for the promotion of continuous learning” Announcement 6/01 by the Minister of Labor and Social Security titled “Creation and spreading of learning patterns for employees of Religious and Socio-Educational Institutions of the Center-North through the use of inf...
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