Valeria Muggianu
Recherche partenariat
Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe is a Brussels-based European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG), funded in 1992 by a group of European banks. CBE has 10 members from 3 European Countries, including European banks and chambers of commerce, therefore reaching a large network of banks, SMEs and economic associations from all over Europe. CBE aims to foster economic development in Europe and to contribute to the achievement of the Europe 2020 Strategy targets by providing its members and their clients with information and support to properly understand EU policies and strategies. The final aim of CBE is supporting innovative SMEs in getting access to EU market and finance.
CBE carries out several initiatives aimed at helping European SME’s and public authorities to develop internationalization processes and to access EU funds. Such initiatives include:
- Monitoring EU regulations on specific thematic areas,
- Organizing thematic conferences and seminars,
- Publishing manuals and guides on European and international funding opportunities,
- Elaborating project proposals and performing project management,
- Supporting SMEs and Large industries in accessing EU tenders.
CBE is associated member to APRE – Italian National contact point for H2020, EBN – Innovation network, Assocamere estero – the Association of Italian Chambers of commerce in the world, and PROMOS – Special Agency of the Milan Chamber of Commerce for the internationalization of SMEs. These networks and collaborations contribute to achieve the general objective of CBE focusing our activities on innovative projects and innovative SMEs.
CBE has long-standing expertise in economic development, EU policies and strategies. Furthermore, CBE participated in several EU supported projects and initiatives.
In previous experience, CBE had the responsibility to: (1) mapping available local, national, European and international funds and financial facilities for learning mobility and vocational training; (2) developing, together with its consortium members, new financial instruments for vocational and professional learning and mobility in Europe; (3) providing assistant to European stakeholders to apply to these funds and financial instruments. Finally, in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme CBE has the responsibility to help and support new or potential entrepreneurs by reviewing their business plans and develop bankable projects.
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Entrepreneuriat et PME
Éducation et formation
Horizon Europe
Politique européenne
Gestion de projets internationaux
il y a 8 ans
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