Andrea Fornaroli
Key qualifications:
More than 20 years of professional activity in development and management of cooperation programmes covering all aspects of project cycle with specific experience water utilities and environmental sector, climate change, EU LIFE and EMAS.
Specific experience in project identification, tender dossier preparation, bid assistance, evaluation and final selection of proposals (including Concept Notes and Full Proposals) in accordance with the standards and procedures of the practical guide to contract procedures for EU external actions (PRAG) and preparation of the relevant contracts; works supervision in the framework of FIDIC procedures.
Technical background in engineering, environment, ICT, supervisory and control systems (SCADA), network and data communication, Project Management Systems; experience in software development life cycle: a total of 5 automation projects for an amount of more than 20 million euro of hardware, software and instrumentation has been designed, evaluated, procured and supervised during installation.
Expertise in Europe and Latin America (LAC region) in projects financed by World Bank, Interamerican Development Bank, European Investment Bank, Japan Bank For International Cooperation and thematic programmes of the European Commission PHARE, ISPA/IPA, LIFE and EMAS.
Proven ability to coordinate teams.
Full working knowledge of English, Spanish and French.